博鳌亚洲论坛2023“共绘丝路文明”文化人物艺术展在中国美术馆举行 The 2023 Boao Forum for Asia “Co-building the Silk Road Civilization” Cultural Figures Art Exhibition Held in the National Art Museum of China


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    博鳌亚洲论坛2023“共绘丝路文明”文化人物艺术展在中国美术馆举行 The 2023 Boao Forum for Asia “Co-building the Silk Road Civilization” Cultural Figures Art Exhibition Held in the National Art Museum of China

    2023-11-26 10:14
    ——Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative

    中国文化人物记者 苏晴/摄影报道
    the Boao Forum for Asia 2023 “Drawing Silk Road Civilization Together” Cultural Figures Art Exhibition will be held by the Boao Forum for Asia, the National Art Museum of China and the Chinese Cultural Figures Magazine at the National Art Museum of China from November 26 to December 6, 2023.
    Chinese Cultural Figures reporters Su Qing/Photo Report

    《祁艳肖像》  油画    90cm×82cm    2022年  靳尚谊作品
    Portrait of Qi Yan   Oil Painting   90 cm × 82 cm, 2022, By Jin Shangyi

           第九届、十届、十一届、十二届全国政协常委, 中国美术家协会名誉主席、中央美院原院长、中国美协原主席、中国文联原副主席。
           1934年出生于河南焦作。1949年, 考入北平国立艺术专科学校(现中央美术学院)绘画系。1955年, 参加马克西莫夫在中央美术学院开设的油画训练班。1957年, 从油画训练班毕业, 并留校任教。1959年, 为中国革命博物馆创作《送别》;1961年, 为中国革命博物馆创作《十二月会议》。1962年, 调至中央美术学院油画系第一画室(吴作人工作室)任教。1964年, 创作《长征》, 并在“第三届全国美展”展出。1978年, 任中央美术学院油画系副主任、第一画室负责人。1980年, 作品《思》《青春》被中国美术馆收藏;1983年, 《塔吉克新娘》《鲁迅》被中国美术馆收藏, 同年任中央美术学院副院长;1984年, 作品《瞿秋白》获得“第六届全国美展”银质奖, 并被中国美术馆收藏;1986年, 被聘为中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员;1987年, 任中央美术学院院长;1989年, 任“第七届全国美术展览”评委;1997年, 当选为中国文联副主席;1998年, 当选为政协第九届全国委员会常委, 当选中国美术家协会主席;1999年, 任“第九届全国美展”总评委主任;2004年, 任“第十届全国美展”总评委主任;2007年被聘为中央文史研究馆馆员, 2017年转为资深馆员;2013年, 当选政协第十二届全国委员会常委;2018年, 任中国美术家协会第九届名誉主席;2020年, 任国家重大题材美术创作艺术委员会顾问。其主要作品有《塔吉克新娘》《青年女歌手》《晚年黄宾虹》《八大山人》等。

    Jin Shangyi
    Member of the Standing Committee of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Honorary Chairman of China Artists Association, Former President of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Former Chairman of China Artists Association and Former Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
    He was born in Jiaozuo, Henan Province in 1934. In 1949, he was admitted to the Painting Department of National Beiping Art College (now Central Academy of Fine Arts). In 1955, he attended the oil painting training class set up by Maksimov at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 1957, he graduated from the oil painting training class and stayed as a teacher. In 1959, he created Farewell for the Museum of Chinese Revolution; in 1961, he created December Conference for the Museum of Chinese Revolution. In 1962, he was transferred to the First Studio of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts (Wu Zuoren Studio) to teach. In 1964, he created Long March and exhibited it in the 3rd National Exhibition of Fine Arts. In 1978, he served as Deputy Director of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and Head of the First Studio. In 1980, the works Thinking and Youth were collected by the National Art Museum of China; in 1983, Tajik Bride and Lu Xun were collected by the National Art Museum of China. In the same year, he served as Vice President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; in 1984, Qu Qiubai was awarded the silver medal of the 6th National Exhibition of Fine Arts and was collected by the National Art Museum of China; in 1986, he was appointed as a member of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association; in 1987, he served as President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; in 1989, he served as a judge of the 7th National Exhibition of Fine Arts; in 1997, he was elected Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles; in 1998, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 9th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and the Chairman of the China Artists Association; in 1999, he served as the Chief Judge of the 9th National Exhibition of Fine Arts; in 2004, he served as the Chief Judge of the 10th National Exhibition of Fine Arts; he was hired as a librarian in China Central Institute for Culture and History in 2007 and became a senior librarian in 2017; in 2013, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 12th National Committee of the CPPCC; in 2018, he served as the 9th Honorary Chairman of the China Artists Association; in 2020, he served as consultant of the National Art Creation Committee on Major Themes. His main works include Tajik Bride, Young Female Singer, Huang Binhong in His Late Years, Badashanren.


    《老子出关》  雕塑  74cm×93cm×33cm  2012年  吴为山作品
    Laozi Chuguan   Sculpture   74cm×93cm×33cm, 2012, By Wu Weishan

           1987年毕业于南京师范大学美术系, 并留校任教。1990年任南京师范大学雕塑教研室主任。1998年任南京大学教授, 创建南京大学雕塑艺术研究所。2003年创建南京大学美术研究院并任首任院长、院学术委员会主任。同年, 作品《睡童》获英国皇家肖像雕塑家协会“攀格林奖”, 成为亚洲第一位英国肖像雕塑家协会和英国皇家雕塑家协会成员。2007年任苏州大学设计艺术学方向博士生导师, 兼任中国艺术研究院中国雕塑院院长、全国城市雕塑指导委员会委员, 韩国仁济大学授予名誉哲学博士学位。2008年当选第十一届全国政协委员、江苏省美术家协会副主席、全国城市雕塑艺术委员会主任。2009年任中国艺术研究院美术研究所所长、中国雕塑院院长、全国城市雕塑艺术委员会主任。2010年香港中文大学授予荣誉院士。2012年获法国美术家协会颁发的“2012卢浮宫国际美术展”雕塑金奖, 当选为民盟中央常委。2013年当选中国美术家协会副主席。2014年担任中国美术馆馆长。2015年香港中文大学授予荣誉文学博士衔。2016年任北京大学兼职教授, 获俄罗斯艺术科学院最高金质奖章、俄罗斯艺术科学院荣誉院士、俄罗斯赫尔岑国立师范大学荣誉正博士、俄罗斯列宾美术学院荣誉教授。2017年当选乌克兰国家艺术科学院外籍院士, 获“国际奥委会主席奖”。2018年当选为第十三届全国政协常务委员、中国美术家协会副主席。2022年当选中国民主同盟第十三届中央委员会副主席。2021年任中国文联第十一届全国委员会委员。2023年当选第十四届全国政协副秘书长、文化文史和学习委员会委员, 获澳门科技大学颁授荣誉人文学博士学位。

    Wu Weishan
    Deputy Secretary-General of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Full-time Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, and Director of the National Art Museum of China
    He graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Nanjing Normal University in 1987 and stayed as a teacher. In 1990, he served as Director of Sculpture Teaching and Research Section of Nanjing Normal University. In 1998, he served as a Professor at Nanjing University and founded the Institute of Sculpture Art of Nanjing University. In 2003, he founded the Academy of Fine Arts of Nanjing University and served as the first President and Director of the Academic Committee of the Academy. In the same year, Sleeping Child was awarded the “Pangolin Prize” of the Royal Society of Portrait Sculptors, and became the first member of the British Society of Portrait Sculptors and the Royal Society of Sculptors in Asia. In 2007, he served as Doctoral Supervisor of Design Art at Soochow University, Dean of China Academy of Sculpture of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Member of National Urban Sculpture Steering Committee, and Honorary Doctorate of Philosophy awarded by Inje University of Korea. In 2008, he was elected as a member of the 11th National Committee of the CPPCC, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Artists Association and Director of the National Urban Sculpture Art Committee. In 2009, he served as Director of Institute of Fine Arts of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Dean of China Academy of Sculpture and Director of National Urban Sculpture Art Committee. In 2010, the Chinese University of Hong Kong awarded him an Honorary Fellowship. In 2012, he was awarded the Gold Medal for Sculpture in the “2012 Louvre International Art Exhibition” by the French Artists Association, and was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League. In 2013, he was elected Vice Chairman of China Artists Association. In 2014, he served as Director of the National Art Museum of China. In 2015, the Chinese University of Hong Kong awarded him the Honorary Doctorate in Literature. In 2016, he served as an Adjunct Professor of Peking University, and won the highest gold medal of Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Academician of Russian Academy of Arts, Honorary Doctorate of Herzen National Normal University of Russia, and Honorary Professor of Repin Academy of Fine Arts of Russia. In 2017, he was elected as a Foreign Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine and won the “IOC President’s Trophy”. In 2018, he was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 13th National Committee of the CPPCC and the Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association. In 2022, he was elected as the Vice Chairman of the 13th Central Committee of the China Democratic League. In 2021, he served as a member of the 11th National Committee of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2023, he was elected as Deputy Secretary-General of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC, a member of the Committee on Culture, History and Studies, and was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities by Macau University of Science and Technology.
    His main works include National Public Sacrifice Monument-Nanjing Massacre Group Sculpture, Confucius, Harmony between Man and Nature - Laozi, Wen Dao, Chief Designer-Deng Xiaoping, Centennial Monument, Jiao Yulu, Dialogue Beyond Time and Space-Qi Baishi and Da Vinci, Sleeping Child, Marx and so on.


    《清物十志》  中国画    200cm×110cm  冯远作品
    The World with Authenticity in Chinese Literati’s Things   Chinese painting     200 cm × 110 cm, By Feng Yuan

    《清物十志》  中国画    200cm×110cm  冯远作品
    The World with Authenticity in Chinese Literati’s Things   Chinese painting     200 cm × 110 cm, By Feng Yuan

           第十一届、十二届、十三届全国政协委员, 中国文联副主席、中央文史研究馆副馆长、中国美协名誉主席。
           1952年生于上海。1978年, 入浙江美术学院修读中国画研究生。1980年, 毕业留校执教。1996年, 任中国美术学院副院长、学术委员会副主任。1999年, 获国家有突出贡献中青年专家称号, 调任文化部教育科技司任司长。2000年, 任文化部艺术司司长、中国文联委员。2003年, 当选中国美术家协会副主席。2004年, 任中国美术馆馆长。2005年, 任中国文学艺术界联合会党组成员、副主席、书记处书记。2008年, 任第十一届全国政协委员, 博士生导师。2012年, 受聘任中央文史研究馆副馆长。2013年编辑《东窗笔录》(三卷本), 任十二届全国政协委员。2016年, 任上海美术学院院长。2018年, 任全国政协十三届委员。2018年, 当选中国美术家协会第九届名誉主席。2020年被聘为上海大学上海美术学院名誉院长、第一届国家重大题材美术创作艺术委员会顾问。
           代表作品有中国画《秦隶筑城图》《星火》《屈赋辞意》《世纪智者》《今生来世》《公民》《诸子图》等;主要论著有《东窗笔录》《重归不似之似》《回到单纯》《人的艺术和艺术的人》《水墨人物画教程》等八十余万字。出版有作品集、论文集、教材多种。三十余年来, 其作品入选国内各届重大美术展览, 获金、银、铜和优秀奖项达二十余次, 作品获国内外美术馆、博物馆收藏。另有大量作品赴美、欧、日、韩等国参展, 并赴多国讲学、考察访问, 在法、日、新加坡、中国香港、台湾等地举办个人作品展。

    Feng Yuan
    Member of the 11th, 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Deputy Director of China Central Institute for Culture and History, Honorary Chairman of China Artists Association.
    Feng Yuan was born in Shanghai in 1952. In 1978, FENG Yuan was admitted into Graduate Class of Traditional Chinese Painting of Chinese National Academy of Arts. Upon graduation in 1980, he became a teacher of Chinese National Academy of Arts, and then Vice President and Deputy Director of the Academic Committee of Chinese National Academy of Arts in 1996. In 1999, he was awarded the title of National Young and Middle-aged Expert with Outstanding Contributions and transferred to the Department of Education and Science and Technology of the Ministry of Culture as Director. In 2000, he served as Director of Art Department of Ministry of Culture and member of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2003, he was elected Vice Chairman of China Artists Association. In 2004, he served as Director of National Art Museum of China. In 2005, he served as Party Group Member, Vice President and Secretariat Secretary of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles. In 2008, he served as Member of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Doctoral Supervisor. In 2012, Feng Yuan was appointed as Deputy Director of China Central Institute for Culture and History. In 2013, he edited the Art Thought Records (three volumes) and served as Member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. In 2016, he served as Dean of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. In 2018, he served as Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. In 2018, he was elected the 9th Honorary President of China Artists Association. In 2020, he was hired as Honorary President of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Shanghai University, and Consultant of the First National Major Theme Art Creation Art Committee.
    Feng Yuan’s representative works include Chinese paintings City Building Slaves in the Qin Dynasty, Spark, QU Yuan’s Passion in Poetry, Century Sagacity, This Life and Afterlife, Citizen, Saints and so on. His main monographs include Art Thought Records, Returning to the Unlikeness, Returning to Simplicity, Human Art and Artistic Man, Tutorial of Water Ink Figure Paintings and so on, totaling more than 800,000 words. He has published a collection of works, essays and textbooks. Over the past 30 years, his works have been selected into major art exhibitions in China, and won gold, silver and bronze medals and excellence awards for more than 20 times. His works have been collected by art galleries and museums at home and abroad. In addition, a large number of his works have been exhibited in the United States, Europe, Japan, South Korea and other countries. He has given lectures and paid study visits in many countries. His personal exhibitions have traveled in France, Japan and Singapore as well as regions of Hong Kong and Taiwan in China.

    《以文化人凝结心灵》  书法    205cm×234cm    2022年  苏士澍作品
    Condensing Soul with Culture   Calligraphy   205cm × 234cm, 2022, By Su Shishu

           第十届、十一届、十二届全国政协常委, 全国政协书画室副主任, 中国书法家协会名誉主席。
           1949年出生, 满族, 无党派人士。自幼酷爱书法篆刻, 少年时拜刘博琴先生为师, 中青年后从师启功先生。从事书法、篆刻的创作与研究, 对汉画像砖、石以及历代碑帖、拓片都有研究。中央文史研究馆馆员, 文物出版社名誉社长, 清华大学美术学院书法所名誉所长、博士生导师、教授。曾荣获“韬奋出版奖”、中国文联“德艺双馨百佳会员”等荣誉称号。
           主编《书法丛刊》《中国书法艺术》《中国法书全集》《历代名家法书精品大观》等。2007年在全国政协举办《书写和谐守望家园——苏士澍金石书法求教展》, 2009年在中国美术馆举办《歌颂祖国 弘扬文化——苏士澍金石书法汇报展》, 2011年在中国文联举办《翰墨书香传播文化——苏士澍读书箴言书法展》, 2012年在常州博物馆举办《江南龙城 地灵人杰——苏士澍书法艺术展》, 2014年在全国政协举办《书写汉字文化传薪——苏士澍推广汉字体验教育展》, 2015年在中华世纪坛举办《书写汉字 文化传薪——苏士澍推广汉字文化常识展》, 2019年在中国政协文史馆举办《弘扬汉字 歌我中华》苏士澍金石书法汇报展。
           近年来, 为弘扬中国传统文化, 关注青少年的发展与培养, 多次在全国两会提交推广汉字文化和书法教育的提案;致力于中小学书法教育的普及和推广, 为中华优秀传统文化的传播, 身体力行, 奔走呼吁。

    Su Shishu
    Member of the Standing Committee of the 10th, 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Deputy Director of Painting and Calligraphy Office of CPPCC National Committee, Honorary Chairman of China Calligraphers Association.
    He was born in 1949, Manchu, without party affiliation. He loved calligraphy and seal cutting since childhood. When he was a teenager, he studied under Mr. Liu Boqin, and when he was young and middle-aged, he learned from Mr. Qi Gong. He is engaged in the creation and research of calligraphy and seal cutting, and has studied Han Dynasty portrait bricks, stones, inscriptions and rubbings of past dynasties. He is a member of the China Central Institute for Culture and History, Honorary President of Cultural Relics Press, Honorary Director of Calligraphy Institute of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, Doctoral Supervisor and Professor. He has won the honorary titles of “Taofen Publishing Award” and “Top 100 Members of Virtue and Art” of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
    Editor-in-chief of Calligraphy Series, Chinese Calligraphy Art, Complete Works of Chinese Model Calligraphy, Famous Model Calligraphy of Past Dynasties, etc. In 2007, the National Committee of the CPPCC held Writing Harmony and Watching Home - Su Shishu Jinshi Calligraphy Consultation Exhibition, in 2009, the National Art Museum of China held Praise the Motherland and Promote Culture - Su Shishu Jinshi Calligraphy Report Exhibition, in 2011, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles held Calligraphy for Culture Communication - Su Shishu Proverbs Calligraphy Exhibition, in 2012, Changzhou Museum held Jiangnan Longcheng · Remarkable Place and Outstanding People - Su Shishu Calligraphy Art Exhibition; in 2014, the National Committee of the CPPCC held Writing Chinese Characters and Disseminating Culture - Experiential Education Exhibition for the Promotion of Chinese Characters by Su Shishu; in 2015, the China Millennium Monument held Writing Chinese Characters and Disseminating Culture - General Knowledge Exhibition for the Promotion of Chinese Characters by Su Shishu; in 2019, CPPCC Culture and History Museum held Promoting Chinese Characters and Praising China - Su Shishu Jinshi Calligraphy Report Exhibition.
    In recent years, in order to promote Chinese traditional culture and pay attention to the development and training of young people, he has repeatedly submitted proposals to promote Chinese character culture and calligraphy education at the National People’s Congress and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; he is committed to the popularization and promotion of calligraphy education in primary and secondary schools, and made an appeal for the spread of Chinese excellent traditional culture.

    《天光云影》  油画    120cm×200cm    2022年 范迪安作品
    Brightness of the Sky Shadows of the Clouds   Oil painting  120 cm × 200 cm, 2022, By Fan Di’an

           第十二届、十三届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会主席、中央美术学院原院长。
           1955年出生于福建。1977年—1980年就读于福建师范大学美术系油画专业;1980年—1985年, 任教于福建师范大学美术系;1985年—1988年, 就读于中央美术学院美术史系中国美术史专业, 毕业后获得硕士学位;1988年—1993年, 任教于中央美术学院美术史系;1988年—1992年, 任中央美术学院团委书记、学生处副处长;1994年—1998年, 任中央美术学院院长助理;1998年—2005年, 任中央美术学院党委委员、副院长;2005年—2014年, 任中国美术馆馆长、党委副书记;2006年, 任全国美术馆专业委员会主任;2008年, 在中国美术馆主持策划了“盛世和光——敦煌艺术大展”;2014年—2015年, 任中央美术学院党委委员、院长;2015年—2017年, 任中央美术学院党委常委、院长;2015年, 获聘为中央文史研究馆馆员;2017年, 任中央美术学院党委副书记、院长;2018年, 当选为中国美术家协会主席、北京美术家协会主席;2020年, 获聘为第一届国家重大题材美术创作艺术委员会顾问;2023年, 获聘为中国传媒大学中国画研究院顾问。

    Fan Di’an
    Member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of China Artists Association, and former President of Central Academy of Fine Arts.
    Fan Di’an was born in Fujian in 1955. From 1977 to 1980, he majored in Oil Painting in the Department of Fine Arts at Fujian Normal University. From 1980 to 1985, he taught in the Department of Fine Arts at Fujian Normal University. From 1985 to 1988, he majored in Chinese Art History in the Art History Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts and obtained a master’s degree after graduation. From 1988 to 1993, he taught in the Art History Department at Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 1988 to 1992, he served as Secretary of the Youth League Committee and Deputy Director of the Students’ Affairs Office at Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 1994 to 1998, he served as assistant to President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 1998 to 2005, he served as Party Committee Member and Vice President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 2005 to 2014, he served as Director and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the National Art Museum of China. In 2006, he served as Director of the Professional Committee of the National Art Museum. In 2008, he presided over and planned the “Flourishing Age and Light - Dunhuang Art Exhibition” at the National Art Museum of China. From 2014 to 2015, he served as Party Committee Member and President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 2015 to 2017, he served as Member of Standing Committee of Party Committee and President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2015, he was hired as a librarian in China Central Institute for Culture and History. In 2017, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2018, he was elected President of the China Artists Association and the chairman of the Beijing Artists Association. In 2020, he was hired as Consultant of the First National Major Theme Art Creation Art Committee. In 2023, he was appointed as Advisor of Chinese Painting Research Institute of Communication University of China.
    Fan Di’an’s main monographs include World Art History, World Higher Art Education Series, Contemporary Chinese Art: 1979-2010, Ink Painting Essence in Contemporary Cultural Situation, 20th Century Chinese Literature and Art Atlas Art Volume, Modern Chinese Paintings, Fine Collections of CAFA Art Museum and so on. His representative oil paintings include Attracting Spring Breeze into the Mountains, New Look of the Times, Running Endless, New Houses of Yi Nationality, Looking Back at Zunyi at 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Party and so on.

    《共建“一带一路”源自中国, 成果和机遇属于世界;众人拾柴火焰高, 互帮互助走得远》  书法    137cm×60cm  2023年 孙晓云作品
    Belt and Road cooperation was proposed by China, but its benefits and opportunities are for the world to share; flame runs high when everyone adds wood to the fire and mutual support can get us far. Calligraphy  137cm×60cm, 2023, By Sun Xiaoyun

    《谨记人民期待、勇扛历史重担、把准时代脉搏;继往开来、勇毅前行》  书法    137cm×46cm  2023年  孙晓云作品
    Keep in mind the expectations of the people, assume responsibilities entrusted by history, closely follow the trend of the times; carry forward the cause and forge ahead with courage. Calligraphy 137cm × 46cm, 2023, By Sun Xiaoyun

           中共十七、十八、十九、二十大代表, 中国书法家协会主席, 江苏省书法家协会主席。
           中国书法家协会主席, 江苏省书法家协会主席, 中共十七、十八、十九、二十大代表, 中国文联职业道德建设委员会副主任, 江苏省政府参事, 江苏省文联副主席, 江苏省美术馆名誉馆长, 中国书协女书法家委员会主任, 中国国家画院书法篆刻院副院长, 南京大学中国书法研究院院长。享受国务院特殊津贴。一级美术师。博士生导师。
           先后荣获中共中央、国务院“全国先进工作者”, 中组部、中宣部、人事部、科技部“全国杰出专业技术人才”, 全国书法最高奖“兰亭奖艺术奖”“全国德艺双馨文艺工作者”“全国文化系统先进工作者”、全国首批宣传文化系统“四个一批”人才、江苏省委省政府“紫金文化奖章”“江苏省有突出贡献中青年专家”等奖励和荣誉称号。
           1955年生于南京。高中毕业后下乡插队五年, 军队服役八年。1981年开始发表书法作品, 先后在第三、四、五、六届全国书法展, 第二、三届全国中青年书法展, 首届行草书大展中获“全国奖”, 担任全国书法展和兰亭奖评委, 理论专著有《书法有法》, 发表了《中国传统书法与当代创作形式初探》《当代中青年书法家的社会责任和历史使命》《书写新时代的文化自信》《不忘初心》等文章。出版有《中国当代书法名家一孙晓云》《孙晓云书法绘画》《孙晓云书法精品选集》, 小楷书中华传统德育经典——《老子道德经》《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》《历代家规家训》等, 先后在中国美术馆、江苏省美术馆、国家博物馆、意大利、法国、日本、新加坡、韩国、香港、台湾、澳门等地举办书法展览。

    Sun Xiaoyun
    Delegate to the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th CPC National Congress, Chairman of China Calligraphers Association and Chairman of Jiangsu Calligraphers Association.
    Chairman of China Calligraphers Association, Chairman of Jiangsu Calligraphers Association, delegate to the 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th CPC National Congress, Deputy Director of Professional Ethics Construction Committee of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Counselor of Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, Vice Chairman of Jiangsu Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Director of Jiangsu Art Museum, Director of Female Calligraphers Committee of China Calligraphers Association Vice President of Calligraphy and Seal Cutting Institute of China National Academy of Painting and Dean of Chinese Calligraphy Research Institute of Nanjing University. Enjoy special allowance from the State Council. First-class Artist. Doctoral Supervisor.
    She has won the “National Advanced Worker” of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, the “National Outstanding Professional and Technical Talent” of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Science and Technology, “Lanting Art Award”, the highest award for calligraphy in China, “National Literary and Art Worker with Moral and Artistic Stature”, “National Cultural System Advanced Worker”, the first batch of “four batches” of talents in the national propaganda and cultural system, the “Zijin Culture Medal” of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee and the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government, “Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions in Jiangsu Province” and other awards and honorary titles.
    She was born in Nanjing in 1955. After graduating from high school, she went to the countryside for five years and served in the army for eight years. She began to publish calligraphy works in 1981, and won the “National Award” in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th National Calligraphy Exhibitions, the 2nd and 3rd National Young and Middle-aged Calligraphy Exhibitions, and the 1st Cursive Script Exhibition. She served as a judge of the National Calligraphy Exhibition and Lanting Award. Her theoretical monographs include Calligraphy with Method, and published articles such as A Preliminary Study of Chinese Traditional Calligraphy and Contemporary Creative Forms, Social Responsibility and Historical Mission of Contemporary Young and Middle-aged Calligraphers, Writing Cultural Confidence in a New Era, Remain True to the Original Aspiration. She has published A Famous Chinese Contemporary Calligrapher - Sun Xiaoyun, Sun Xiaoyun Calligraphy and Painting, Selected Calligraphy Works of Sun Xiaoyun, Chinese traditional moral education classics in small regular script - Laozi Tao Te Ching, The Great Learning, The Doctrine of the Mean, The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius, Family Rules and Family Instructions of Past Dynasties, etc., and has successively held calligraphy exhibitions at the National Art Museum of China, Jiangsu Art Museum, National Museum of China, Italy, France, Japan, Singapore, Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Macao.

    《“一带一路”图形印系列》    篆刻    400cm×300cm    西泠印社、宁波市委宣传部“一带一路”篆印创作科研项目组
    “The Belt and Road” Graphics Seal Series  Seal engraving  400 cm × 300 cm,  Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society, and “The Belt and Road” Seal Engraving Creation Research Project Team of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

    《“一带一路”图形印系列》    篆刻    400cm×300cm    西泠印社、宁波市委宣传部“一带一路”篆印创作科研项目组
    “The Belt and Road” Graphics Seal Series  Seal engraving  400 cm × 300 cm,  Xiling Seal-Engravers’ Society, and “The Belt and Road” Seal Engraving Creation Research Project Team of Ningbo Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department

           1956年生于上海, 浙江鄞县人。1990年加入中国民主同盟, 硕士研究生毕业。1979年入浙江美术学院(现中国美术学院), 师从陆维钊、沙孟海、诸乐三, 获书法学硕士学位。国家级专家并享受政府特殊津贴。现任中国文联副主席、中国书法家协会顾问、浙江省文联副主席、浙江大学人文学院院长、西泠印社副社长兼秘书长、《西泠印社》社刊主编、《中国篆刻》主编。曾任中国书法家协会副主席、中国文艺评论家协会副主席、第十二届全国人大代表、浙江大学人文学院副院长。是国家级专家并享受政府特殊津贴。

    Chen Zhenlian
    Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Deputy to the 12th National People’s Congress, Dean of College of Humanities of Zhejiang University, and Vice President and Secretary General of Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society.
    Born in Shanghai in 1956, Chen Zhenlian came from Yinxian County, Zhejiang Province. He joined China Democratic League in 1990 and graduated with a master’s degree. He joined Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts) in 1979, studied under Lu Weizhao, Sha Menghai and Zhu Lesan, and obtained a master’s degree in calligraphy. He is a national expert and enjoys special government subsidies. He is currently Vice President of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Consultant of China Calligraphers Association, Vice President of Zhejiang Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Dean of College of Humanities of Zhejiang University, Vice President and Secretary General of Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society, Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society and Editor-in-Chief of Seal Engraving of China. He used to be Vice Chairman of China Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of China Literature and Art Critics Association, Deputy to the 12th National People’s Congress, and Deputy Dean of College of Humanities of Zhejiang University. He is a national expert and enjoys special government subsidies.
    Chen Zhenlian’s 40 academic monographs include Exploration of Formal Beauty of Chinese Painting, Calligraphy, Calligraphy Aesthetics, Calligraphy Pedagogy, History of Modern Chinese Calligraphy, World of Lines - History of Chinese Calligraphy Culture, Introduction to Space Poetics, Aesthetic Research of Song Poem Schools, Appreciation of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Seal Engraving, Comparative Study of Modern Sino-Japanese Painting Exchange History, Modern Japanese Calligraphy History and Calligraphy Style of the Song Dynasty and so on. He has published many academic papers in publications such as Literature and Art Studies, Art Research and New Art.


    《丝路情山河颂》    油画    480cm×200cm    2022年  徐里作品
    Silk Road Love Mountain River Ode  Oil Painting  480 cm × 200 cm, 2022, By Xu Li

           第十三届全国政协委员, 中国文联第十届全委会委员, 中国美术家协会第九届分党组书记、秘书长, 中国美术家协会副主席。
           中国美术家协会兼职副主席、原秘书长, 兼任中国文联、财政部、文化部“中华文明历史题材美术创作工程”组委会办公室兼创作指导委员会办公室主任, 中国美术家协会艺术委员会主任、全国美展总评委、评审委员会主任、中国美术家协会理事、中国书法家协会会员。作品连续入选第七、八、九、十、十一届全国美展及“20世纪中国油画展”“第二届中国油画展”“第三届中国油画展精品展”“首届中国油画学会展”等。作品先后被选送参加奥地利、日本、美国、新西兰、澳大利亚、加拿大、新加坡、文莱、马来西亚、荷兰等国和中国香港、台湾地区的展览。作品被中国美术馆、人民大会堂委员长厅、中南海、澳门博物馆、日本东京千代田美术馆、美国国家东方艺术博物馆、荷兰祖特梅尔市政府、瑞典赫尔辛堡市政府、德国不莱梅市政府、新西兰惠灵顿市政府、日本佐世堡市政府, 中国驻荷兰、英国、希腊大使馆等政府机构和美国洛克菲勒家族、英国伦敦市长、英国剑桥大学捐赠人SIRPAULJUDGE、雍和宫、南普陀寺等许多海内外收藏机构、收藏家收藏。
           2007年入选中国油画50家, 2011年入选“艺术之巅”──中国油画2010年度十大人物。2012年被授予乌克兰大使奖。2013年被美国国家艺术委员会授予杰出艺术成就奖。2015年被俄罗斯艺术科学院授予荣誉院士。

    Xu Li
    Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of the 10th National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Party Secretary and Secretary General of the 9th China Artists Association, and Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association.
    Xu Li is Part-time Vice Chairman and former Secretary-General of China Artists Association, concurrently Director of Organizing Committee Office and Creation Steering Committee Office of “Art Creation Project with Chinese Civilization and History Theme” of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Culture, Director of Art Committee of China Artists Association, Chief Judge and Evaluation Committee Director of National Exhibition of Fine Arts, Director of China Artists Association and Member of China Calligraphers Association. His works have been selected into the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, “20th Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”, “2nd Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”, “3rd Boutique Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition” and “1st Chinese Oil Painting Society Exhibition”. His works have been displayed in exhibitions in Austria, Japan, the United States, New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia, the Netherlands and regions of Hong Kong and Taiwan in China. His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, the Chairman’s Hall of the Great Hall of the People, Zhongnanhai, Macao Museum, Chiyoda Art Museum in Tokyo, Japan, National Oriental Art Museum in the United States, Zoetermeer Municipal Government in the Netherlands, Helsingborg Municipal Government in Sweden, Bremen Municipal Government in Germany, Wellington Municipal Government in New Zealand, Sasebo Municipal Government in Japan, Chinese embassies in the Netherlands, Britain and Greece, Rockefeller Family in the United States, Mayor of London in the United Kingdom, SIRPAULJUDGE, a donor from Cambridge University in the United Kingdom, Lama Temple, Nanputuo Temple and many other domestic and overseas collectors.
    Xu Li was selected as one of top 50 Chinese oil painters in 2007, and “Art at the Top” - Top Ten Chinese Oil Painters of 2010 in 2011. He was awarded the Ukrainian Ambassador Award in 2012, Outstanding Artistic Achievement Award by the US Commission of Fine Arts in 2013 and Honorary Academician by Russian Academy of Arts in 2015.

    《望尽千年海丝路》    中国画    180cm×145cm    2012年  许钦松作品
    Look at the Maritime Silk Road with a History of 1,000 Years Traditional Chinese painting 180cm×145cm, 2012, By Xu Qinsong

           第十一届、十二届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会原副主席, 广东省文联原主席、广东画院原院长。
           1952年出生。国家一级美术师, 国务院特殊津贴专家, 第十一届、十二届全国政协委员。历任广东省文学艺术界联合会主席、中国美术家协会副主席、广东省美术家协会主席、广东画院院长、中国美术家协会顾问、广东省美术家协会名誉主席、广东美术馆学术委员会主任、全国政协书画室副主任, 中国文联全委会委员、中国艺术研究院研究员, 博士生导师、中国国家画院院务委员、中央文史馆书画院南方分院院长、中国画学会顾问、广东省人民政府文史研究馆馆员、广州美术学院客座教授、广州大学美术学院名誉院长, 广东中国画学会名誉会长, 广东省许钦松艺术基金会理事长。
           曾担任2010年广州亚运会开闭幕式艺术顾问, 2012(伦敦)奥林匹克美术大会艺术指导委员会艺术顾问, “其命惟新——广东美术百年大展”总策划。
           代表作有《个个都是铁肩膀》《潮的失落》《心花》《诱惑》《天音》《南粤春晓》《岭云带雨》《高原甘雨》《丰碑》《甘雨过山》《长江揽胜》《珠江涌云》等。曾获“第七届全国美展”银奖、1992年日本·中国版画奖励会金奖、’91中国西湖美术节银奖(版画最高奖)、“第十届全国版画展”铜奖、80-90年代中国优秀版画家鲁迅版画奖、广东省第四届鲁迅文艺奖一等奖, 以及广东美协50年50件经典作品奖等多项大奖。作品被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、北京人民大会堂、上海世博会中国馆等机构收藏。

    Xu Qinsong
    Member of the 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, former Chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Guangdong Province, and former President of the Guangdong Academy of Painting.
    Born in 1952, he is a National Level-1 Artist, expert enjoying special allowance of the State Council, and member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He served as the Chairman of the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Guangdong Province, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, President of the Guangdong Academy of Painting, Consultant of the China Artists Association, Honorary Chairman of the Guangdong Artists Association, Director of the Academic Committee of the Guangdong Museum of Art, Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Room of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Member of the Congress of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Researcher of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Doctoral Supervisor, Council Member of China National Academy of Painting, President of the Southern Branch of the China Central Institute for Culture and History, Consultant of the Chinese Painting Society, staff of the People’s Government Institute for Culture and History of Guangdong Province, Visiting Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary President of School of Fine Arts & Design of Guangzhou University, Honorary President of Chinese Painting Institute of Guangdong Province, and President of Council of Guangdong Xu Qinsong Art Foundation.
    He formerly served Art Consultant of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, Art Consultant of the Art Steering Committee of Fine Arts Exhibition London 2012, and Chief Planner of “New Density-Guangdong Centennial Exhibition of Fine Arts”.
    Representative works include All are Strong Shoulders, Lost Tide, Heart Flower, Temptation, Voice of Heaven, Dawn of Spring in Southern Guangdong, Clouds and Rain on Mountains, Good Rain on Plateau, Monument, Good Rain Over the Mountain, Beautiful Scenery of Yangtze River, Clouds on the Pearl River, etc. He won multiple awards, including the Silver Award at the 7th National Fine Arts Exhibition, the Gold Award of Japan·China Printmaking Awards in 1992, the Silver Award at the China West Lake Art Festival in 1991 (the highest award of printmaking), the Bronze Award at the “10th National Printmaking Exhibition”, the Lu Xun Printmaking Award for Excellent Chinese Printmaking Artists from the 1980s to the 1990s, the First Prize of the 4th Lu Xun Literature and Art Award in Guangdong Province, and the 50 Classical Works Award of Guangdong Artists Association in the Last 50 Years. His works are collected by the National Art Museum of China, the National Museum of China, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the China Hall of the Shanghai World Expo, and other organizations.


    《米脂的婆姨》  中国画    80cm×240cm    1985年  何家英作品
    Women in Mizhi County     Chinese painting    137 cm × 200 cm, 1985, By He Jiaying

           第九届、第十届、第十一届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会副主席、中央文史馆馆员、华鼎国学基金会理事、中国艺术研究院博士生导师。
          1957年出生于天津, 1977年考入天津美术学院绘画系学习中国画, 1980年毕业后留校任教。历任第九、第十、第十一届全国政协委员, 现任中国美协副主席、中央文史馆馆员、中国艺术研究院工笔画院名誉院长、中国工笔画学会名誉会长、中国艺术研究院教授、博士生导师、中国文联第十一届全国委员会委员、天津美术学院何家英工笔画研究所所长、天津画院名誉院长、天津美术馆名誉馆长, 中国美术家协会理事, 中国传媒大学中国画研究院顾问。日本东京艺术大学特聘正式教授。
           曾获国家“有突出贡献的中青年专家”、中国文联“德艺双馨文艺工作者”、中宣部“四个一批”文艺人才等荣誉, 2012年在巴黎卢浮宫“2012沙龙展”中获绘画类金奖。
           擅长当代工笔人物画创作。代表作品有《山地》《十九秋》《米脂的婆姨》《酸葡萄》《魂系马嵬》《秋冥》《朝露桑》《舞之憩》《杨开慧》等。在国际上备受瞩目。2012年, 作品《朝露桑》获法国卢浮宫卡鲁塞尔厅举办的国际当代美术展(法国沙龙展)金奖。

    He Jiaying
    Member of the 9th, 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Librarian of China Central Institute for Culture and History, Director of Huading National Studies Foundation, and Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese National Academy of Arts.
    Born in Tianjin in 1957, He Jiaying was admitted to the Painting Department of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1977 to study Chinese painting, and stayed as a teacher after graduation in 1980. He Jiaying has served as a member of the 9th, 10th and 11th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and is currently the Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, librarian of China Central Institute for Culture and History, honorary president of Fine Painting Institute of China Academy of Art, honorary president of China Fine Painting Society, professor and doctoral tutor of China Academy of Art, Member of the 11th National Committee of China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Director of He Jiaying Fine Painting Institute of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary President of Tianjin Painting Academy, Honorary Curator of Tianjin Art Museum, Director of China Artists Association and Consultant of Chinese Painting Research Institute of Communication University of China, and Distinguished Professor of Tokyo University of Arts in Japan.
    He Jiaying has won honors such as “Young and Middle-aged Experts with Outstanding Contributions” by the state, “Literary and Art Workers with Both Virtue and Art” by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and “Four Groups” of Literary and Art Talents by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee. In 2012, He Jiaying won the Gold Medal in painting in the “2012 Salon International” of the Louvre in Paris.
    He Jun is good at contemporary Chinese realistic painting personages creation, with representative works including Mountain Surface, Nineteen Autumn, Mizhi Mom, Sour Grape, Soul Mawei, Autumn Phantom, Morning Dew Mulberry, Dance Rest, Yang Kaihui and so on, which have attracted much attention in the world. In 2012, the work Morning Dew Mulberry won the gold medal in the International Contemporary Art Exhibition (Salon International in France) held in Carrousel Hall of Louvre in France.

    《丝路生活》  中国画    139cm×68cm   杨晓阳作品
    Life on the Silk Road    139cm×68cm×2    Chinese painting, By Yang Xiaoyang

    《丝路生活》  中国画    139cm×68cm   杨晓阳作品
    Life on the Silk Road    139cm×68cm×2    Chinese painting, By Yang Xiaoyang

          第十二届、十三届全国政协委员, 中国文化艺术发展促进会主席, 中国美术家协会副主席, 中国国家画院原院长。
           1958年出生于陕西西安, 1979年考入西安美术学院国画系, 1983年毕业, 同年考上研究生。1986年毕业并留校任教。曾任西安美术学院国画系副主任、主任。1994年任西安美术学院副院长, 1995年主持全院工作, 1997年任西安美术学院院长、教授、博士生导师。2009年至2018年任中国国家画院院长。第十二届、十三届全国政协委员。现任中国文化艺术发展促进会主席, 中国美术家协会副主席, 中国文联全委, 国家“三五”人才一级, 中宣部“四个一批”人才, 国家有突出贡献专家, 教育部高教名师, 中国美术家协会理事, 全国美展总评委。
           三十多年来, 以丝绸之路为创作主题, 创作了数千计的“从写实到写意”的好作品。以“大美术、大美院、大写意”为宗旨的办学主张和以“大美为真”的写意精神为研究方向的理论, 引领了改革开放后中国美术研究的导向, 在美术学院建设和画院建设方面真抓实干。其办学探索获教育部“教学成果二等奖”。他领导和组织了国内外大量的颇具影响的大型美术活动, 参与和见证了中国美术创作和美术教育的发展, 成为改革开放以来中国美术的重要推动者。
    其作品《丝路长安》陈列在人民大会堂, 《太宗纳谏》陈列在中国国家博物馆, 《黄巢进长安》陈列在中国革命历史博物馆, 《丝绸之路》陈列在八达岭中国长城博物馆, 《丝路风情》陈列在全国政协礼堂常委会议室。

    Yang Xiaoyang
    Member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Chairman of China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, former President of China National Academy of Painting.
    Born in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in 1958, he was admitted to the Department of Chinese Painting of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1979. He graduated from undergraduate school in 1983 and went on to graduate school the same year. He graduated from graduate school in 1986 and stayed on as a faculty member. He used to be the deputy director and director of the Department of Chinese Painting of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. In 1994, he served as Vice President of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, presiding over the work of the whole Academy in 1995, and served as president, professor, and doctoral supervisor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1997. From 2009 to 2018, he served as President of China National Academy of Painting and Member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. At present, he is Chairman of China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, National Member of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the First Level Talent of national “Third Five-Year Plan”, the talent of “four batches” of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, a national expert with outstanding contributions, a famous teacher of higher education in the Ministry of Education, a director of China Artists Association, and the general judge of the National Art Exhibitions.
    In the past three decades, he has created thousands of exceptional artworks “from realistic to expressive”, all of which center around the theme of the Silk Road. His advocacy of “Brilliant Art, Great Academy of Fine Arts, and Dramatic Expressive” for school-running and his theory that “Truth is the Authentic Beauty” as the research direction have paved the way for Chinese art research after the reform and opening up. He has dedicated himself to the development of the Academy of Fine Arts and the Academy of Painting. He has won the Second Prize for Teaching Achievements from the Ministry of Education for his exploration of school-running. Moreover, he has led and organized a large number of influential large-scale art event both domestically and internationally, participating in and witnessing the development of Chinese art creation and art education, which makes him become an important promoter of Chinese art since the era of reform and opening up.
    His work Silk Road in Chang’an is exhibited in the Great Hall of the People; Advice Accepting by Emperor Taizong of Tang Dynasty is displayed in the National Museum of China. In addition, Huang Chao Attacks Chang’an is showcased in the Museum of Chinese Revolutionary History; Silk Road is showed in the China Great Wall Museum in Badaling; Exoticism of Silk Road adorns the Standing Committee Meeting Room of the assembly hall of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.

    《金山阿尔金》  中国画    249cm×123cm    1995年  周韶华作品
    A-erh-chin Mountains    Chinese painting  249cm×123cm, 1995, By Zhou Shaohua

           中共十三大、十五大代表, 湖北省文联原主席, 湖北省美术院原院长, 中国国家画院院委。
           1929 年出生于山东荣成。1941年参加八路军山东纵队第五支队。 1950 年毕业于中原大学美术系。先后担任湖北省美术院院 长、湖北省文联主席,  现任中国国家画院院务委员。曾获屈原文艺创作奖, 2008 年获湖北省人民政府授予“终身成就艺术家 ”称号。2015年获评 2014 年度“中华文化人物 ”。2021 年获“湖北省首届湖北杰出人才奖 ”。长期致力于中国画理论与创作革新的探索与研究, 是中国画气势派的开宗创派者与理论建树者。因举办“ 大河寻源 ”“ 梦溯仰韶 ”“ 汉唐雄风 ”“ 荆楚狂歌 ”“77 抒 怀 ”“黄河·长江·大海 ”“神游东方 ”“天人交响 ” 等画展和发表《全方位 观照论》《横向移植与隔代遗传论》等为世人所注目。 从20 世纪70 年代末至今, 在国内外举办个人画展 100余次。 出版《大河寻源画集》 《周韶华画选》《周韶华六十年艺术探索画集》《中国近现代名家画集 —— 周韶华》《周韶华梦溯仰韶画集》《周韶华汉唐 雄风画集》《荆楚狂歌 周韶华画集》《黄河长江大海—— 周韶华艺术三部曲》《周韶华全集》等个人画集十余种,  出版《大河寻源记》《抱一集》《艺海 纵横》《面向新世纪》 《大家之路 —— 周韶华》《感悟中国画学体系》等文 集 6 部。 作品被中国美术馆、 中国国家图书馆、上海美术馆、 广东美术馆、何香 凝美术馆、湖北省博物馆、 武汉美术馆、 湖北美术学院、 广州美术学院、 西 安美术学院、台湾省立美术馆、德国斯图加特民族博物馆、西柏林东方美术 馆、俄罗斯东方艺术博物馆等机构以及个人收藏。

    Zhou Shaohua
    Delegates to the 13th and 15th National Congress of the CPC, former Chairman of Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Director of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, committee member of the China National Academy of Painting.
    Zhou Shaohua, born in 1929 in Rongcheng, Shandong Province, participated in the 8th Route Army’s Shandong Column 5th Brigade in 1941. In 1950, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Chung Yuan University. Over the years, he held positions such as the Director of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Chairman of Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and currently serves as a committee member of the China National Academy of Painting. Zhou Shaohua has been recognized for his contributions to the field of Chinese painting, receiving the Qu Yuan Literary and Artistic Creation Award and the title of “Lifetime Achievement Artist” from the People’s Government of Hubei Province in 2008. In 2015, he was honored as a “Chinese Cultural Figure” for the year 2014, and in 2021, he was awarded one of the “First Batch of Outstanding Talent Award of Hubei Province”. Devoting himself to the exploration and research of innovative theories and creations in Chinese painting, Zhou Shaohua is a pioneering figure and a builder of theoretical foundations for the Qi Shi School. He gained attention for his exhibitions such as “Source of the Great River”, “Dreaming of Shao”, “Majestic Han and Tang”, “Songs of Jingchu”, “77 Expressions of Emotion”, “Yellow River, Yangtze River, and the Sea”, “Divine Journey to the East”, and “Symphony of Heaven and Man”. He has also published influential articles like Comprehensive Perspective Theory and Horizontal Transplantation and Intergenerational Inheritance Theory. Since the late 1970s, Zhou Shaohua has held over 100 solo exhibitions both domestically and internationally. He has published more than ten personal collections, including Paintings from Source of the Great River, Selected Works of Zhou Shaohua, Sixty Years of Art Exploration by Zhou Shaohua, The Collection of Famous Chinese Paintings in Modern and Contemporary Times - Zhou Shaohua, Zhou Shaohua’s Paintings from Dreaming of Shao, Zhou Shaohua’s Paintings from Majestic Han and Tang, Zhou Shaohua’s Paintings from Songs of Jingchu, Yellow River, Yangtze River, and the Sea - Zhou Shaohua’s Trilogy of Art, and Complete Collection of Zhou Shaohua. Additionally, he has authored six collections of essays, such as Source of the Great River, Embracing Unity, Artistic Horizon, Towards the New Century, The Road of Becoming a Master - Zhou Shaohua, and The System of Chinese Painting Studies. His works are housed in prestigious institutions like the National Art Museum of China, National Library of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Guangdong Museum of Art, He Xiang Ning Art Museum, Hubei Provincial Museum, Wuhan Art Museum, Hubei Institute of Fine Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Kunstmuseum Stuttgart in Germany, Museum of East Asian Art in West Berlin, and the Museum of Oriental Arts in Russia, as well as in private collections.

    《茶马古道》    中国画    160cm×80cm  李翔作品
    Tea-horse Road    Chinese painting    160 cm × 80 cm, By Li Xiang
           第十二届、十三届全国政协委员, 中国美协副主席, 国防大学军事文化学院文化工作系主任。
           1962年生于山东临沂, 任中国美术家协会副主席, 全国政协第十二、十三届委员, 原解放军艺术学院美术系主任、教授, 中国美协国家重大题材美术创作艺委会副主任, 北京大学艺术学院和首都师范大学特聘教授, 国家艺术基金专家委员会委员, 中国艺术研究院美术研究员, 第四、五、六届中国书法家协会理事。为中国文化名人, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴。
           先后就学于解放军艺术学院和中央美院。多年来勤奋努力, 创作了大量美术作品, 擅长人物、山水、花鸟、书法等创作, 自成一格, 面貌独具。曾参加过许多全国性重要展览, 组织并主持过许多全国、全军性的美术展览和学术研究活动并多次担任全国、全军美展评委。作品曾在第八、九、十届全国美展中获奖, 曾获全国第二届速写大赛一等奖, 入选全国中国画百年大展和首届、第二届、第三届北京国际双年展。
           代表作品有《红色乐章》《画兵》《父老乡亲》《原乡》《扎西平措上尉和阿爸阿妈》《南沙天浴》《母亲·母亲》《南海·南海》及《淡彩山水系列》等。许多作品被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、德国莱茵美术馆等海内外机构收藏, 出版作品集几十部。

    Li Xiang
    Member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Head of Cultural Work Department of Military Culture College of National Defense University.
    Born in Linyi, Shandong Province in 1962, Li Xiang served as Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, former Director and professor of Fine Arts Department of PLA Academy of Arts, Deputy Director of National Fine Arts Creation Committee of China Artists Association, Distinguished Professor of Peking University Art College and Capital Normal University, Member of Expert Committee of China National Arts Fund, Art Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts, and Director of the 4th, 5th and 6th Chinese Calligraphers Association. As a Chinese cultural celebrity, Li Xiang has the privilege of special government allowance from the State Council.
    Li Xiang studied at PLA Academy of Arts and Central Academy of Fine Arts successively. Over the years, Li Xiang has worked hard and created a large number of art works. Li Xiang is good at creating figures, landscapes, flowers and birds, calligraphy, etc. Li Xiang has participated in many important national exhibitions, organized and presided over many national and army-wide art exhibitions and academic research activities, and served as judges of national and army-wide art exhibitions for many times. Li Xiang’s works have won awards in the 8th, 9th and 10th National Art Exhibitions, won the first prize of the 2nd National Sketch Competition, and were selected into the National Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Painting and the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Beijing International Art Biennale.
    Li Xiang’s representative works include Red Melody, Soldier Painting, Hometown Folks, Original Hometown, Captain Zahi Bing Zo and Dad & Mom, Nansha Bathing, Mother - Mother, South China Sea - South China Sea and Light Color Landscape Series. Many works have been collected by National Art Museum of China, the National Museum of China, the Rheinland Art Museum of Germany and other institutions at home and abroad, and dozens of works have been published.

    《喝水》    油画    180cm×160cm    2010年  罗中立作品
    Drinking Water    Oil painting    180 cm × 160 cm, 2010, By Luo Zhongli

           第九届、十届、十一届全国人大代表, 重庆市文联荣誉主席、重庆市美协荣誉主席、中国美术家协会顾问。
           1947年生, 1982年毕业于四川美术学院油画系, 1983年至1986年赴比利时安特卫普皇家美术学院研修。
           曾任中国美术家协会副主席、中国油画学会副主席、四川美术学院院长、重庆市文联主席、重庆市美术家协会主席, 第九届、十届、十一全国人大代表, 荣获教育部第五届全国名师奖, 国务院授予“全国先进工作者”。

    Luo Zhongli
    Deputy to the 9th, 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, Honorary Chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association, and Consultant of China Artists Association.
    Born in 1947, graduated from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Oil Painting Department in 1982, and went to Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts to study from 1983 to 1986.
    He is currently a doctoral tutor at Chinese National Academy of Arts, Shanghai University Academy of Fine Arts and Sichuan Fine Arts Institute; Lifetime member of Academic Committee of Chinese Oil Painting Society, Honorary Director of Chinese Oil Painting Society, Honorary Chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association and Consultant of China Artists Association.
    He used to be Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Chinese Oil Painting Society, president of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association, Deputy of the 9th, 10th and 11th National People’s Congress, won the 5th National Famous Teacher Award of the Ministry of Education, and was awarded “National Advanced Worker” by the State Council.

    《胶东湾》  油画    180cm×200cm  闫平作品
    Jiaodong Bay Oil painting 180cm×200cm, By Yan Ping

           1956年出生于山东济南, 1983年毕业于山东艺术学院美术系油画专业, 获学士学位并留校任教。1989年考入中央美院油画创作研修班。现为中国人民大学教授、研究生导师, 中国美术家协会副主席, 中国油画家学会理事, 中国美协油画艺委会委员, 中国美术馆学术委员会委员。
           长期从事美术创作和教学研究工作, 代表作品有《母与子》系列、《戏班子》系列、《去大海去天边》系列等。作品参加“全国第一届油画展” “93中国油画年展”获得银奖、“中国油画双年展”获提名奖, 作品《矿大嫂》参加“全国第六届美展”获优秀奖。出版有《中国当代油画精品集——闫平》《名家名品——闫平》等。

    Yan Ping
    Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association and Professor of Renmin University of China.
    Born in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1956, he graduated from Oil Major, Department of Fine Arts, Shandong College of Arts with a bachelor’s degree in 1983 and stayed there to teach. In 1989, he was admitted to the Oil Painting Creation Training Class of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He is currently a professor and graduate supervisor at Renmin University of China, Vice Chairman of the China Artists Association, Director of the China Oil Painting Society, Member of the Oil Painting Art Committee of the China Artists Association, and Member of the Academic Committee of the National Art Museum of China.
    He has engaged in art creation and teaching research for a long time. His representative works include the Mother and Son series, the Opera Troupe series, and Go to the Sea and Horizon series. His works won a silver award at the “First National Oil Painting Exhibition” and “China Annual Exhibition of Oil Paintings in 1993”, and were nominated for the “China Oil Painting Biennale”. His work Mining Sister-in-law won the Excellence Award at the “6th National Art Exhibition”. He published Excellent Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Collection-Yan Ping, Famous Artists and Famous Works-Yan Ping, etc.

    《远方的客人》    油画    160cm×150cm      2022年  庞茂琨作品
    Guest From Afar Oil painting 160cm×150cm, 2022, By Pang Maokun

           中国美术家协会副主席, 四川美术学院院长, 重庆文联副主席, 重庆美术家协会主席。
           1963年生于重庆, 现任四川美术学院院长、二级教授、博导, 中国美术家协会副主席, 重庆文联副主席, 重庆美术家协会主席, 中国美术家协会油画艺委会主任, 教育部高等学校美术学类专业教学指导委员会副主任委员。
           多年来, 致力于实现西方古典油画语言在中国本土化与民族化的内在转换, 以“构建中国话语体系, 让世界读懂中国”的宏大夙愿, 坚持艺术与时代同频共振, 形成个人艺术语言体系的同时也丰富着中国油画的时代风貌和精神品格。
           曾获第九届全国美术作品展铜奖、全国宣传文化系统“四个一批”人才、首批国家新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级人选、哲学社会科学领军人才、国务院政府特殊津贴专家等荣誉, 被意大利授予了最高荣誉勋章“意大利之星”。
           代表作品有《苹果熟了》《彩虹悄然当空》《穿越时间的呐喊》, 曾先后在中国美术馆、上海美术馆、北京民生美术馆、上海龙美术馆、中国台湾关渡美术馆、意大利美第奇宫等举办作品展。多次承担大型主题创作, 包括中华文明历史题材美术创作工程《战乱中的墨子》、建党百年主题创作《开天辟地—— 中共一大》《彝家新村欢迎您》等作品, 并被国家历史博物馆、中国共产党历史展览馆等机构收藏。

    Pang Maokun
    Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, President of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Vice Chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Arts, and Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association.
    Born in Chongqing in 1963, he is now President, second-class professor, doctoral supervisor at Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, Vice Chairman of Chongqing Federation of Literary and Arts, and Chairman of Chongqing Artists Association, Director of Oil Painting Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association, Deputy Chairman of the Fine Arts Professional Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education.
    Over the years, he has worked hard on the internal transformation of Western classical oil painting language in Chinese localization and nationalization, with the ambitious goal of “building a Chinese discourse system and letting the world understand China”. By keeping art in sync with the times, he has developed his own artistic language system while enriching the times style and spiritual character of Chinese oil painting.
    He is the winner of Bronze Award at the 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition, the national publicity culture system “four batches” talent, national candidate for the first batch of national new century “tens of millions of talents project”, philosophy and social sciences leading figure, expert enjoying special government allowance from the State Council, and the highest honor “Star of Italy” from Italy.
    His representative works include The Apple is Ripe, The Rainbow Shines Quietly in the Sky, and The Cry through Time. He held work exhibition in National Art Museum of China, Shanghai Art Museum, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, Shanghai Long Museum, Guandu Art Museum, Taiwan, China, and Palazzo Medici, Italy. He undertook large-scale theme creation for many times, including Chinese Civilization History Theme Art Creation Project Mozi in the War, the Epoch-making - the First National Congress of the CPC in celebration of the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China, and Welcome to Yi Family New Village, among many other works, which are collected by the National History Museum and the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China.

    《展望》    中国画    220cm×110cm    2022年  王书平作品
    Prospects     Chinese painting    220cm×110cm, 2022, By Wang Shuping


    Wang Shuping
    Member of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Vice Chairman of China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Chairman of Tianjin Artists Association.
    Wang Shuping was born in 1955 in Linqing District, Dezhou City, Shandong Province. He is a renowned traditional Chinese painter. In addition, he is national first-class artist (professor). He is skilled in freehand brushwork of flowers and birds and adept at landscapes and figure painting. He graduated from the Chinese painting major of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1975. He studied further under the guidance of Professor Sun Qifeng, a famous contemporary Chinese painter and calligrapher. He was a member of the 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. He is Vice Chairman of Tianjin Federation of Literary and Art Circles. He enjoys the title of Chairman of Tianjin Artists Association. In addition, he is member of the National Committee of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Culture, honorary chairman of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists Association, director of China Overseas Friendship Association and executive director of the World International Culture and Art Association. He has won many honorary titles, including “International Peace Gold Medal”, “Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Achievement Award”, “Oriental Art Lifetime Achievement Award”, “Oriental Celebrity Achievement Award”, “International Cultural Exchange Honorary Award”, “World Chinese Personality Award”, “World Chinese Achievement Award” and “Chinese Contemporary Celebrity”, “World Painting and Calligraphy Celebrity” and “World Outstanding Artist”. The hometown of the painter established the “Wang Shuping Art Museum”. Celebrities from both domestic and overseas subsequently established the “Wang Shuping Cultural and Art Center” in Hong Kong and Guangzhou, as well as the “Wang Shuping Art Museum” and “Wang Shuping Art Research Institute”. He was honored with the title of “National Young and Middle-Aged Artist with Outstanding Moral and Artistic Achievements” by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Ministry of Personnel of the People’s Republic of China and China Federation of Literary and Art Circles in 2007.
    His representative works include Spring, Wild Fun, Yingfeng, Looking Far and Aiming High, etc. He published Selection of Wang Shuping’s Flower and Bird Paintings and Selection of Wang Shuping’s Works.

    《得鱼图》  中国画    139cm×78cm  欧豪年作品
    The Fish    Chinese painting    139cm×78cm, By Ou Haonian
           中国文化大学美术学系艺术研究所专任教授,中国台湾艺术大学研究所兼任教授,中央研究院岭南美术馆荣誉馆长,欧豪年文化基金会董事长,香港珠海大学董事,香港(海外)文学艺术家协会永久荣誉会长,美国国际科技大学董事,美国旧金山中华艺术学会监事长。 历任第七届、八届、九届、十届、十一届、十二届、十三届全中国美展筹备及评审委员。代表作有《山水》《荷花》《五虎图》和《海鹰图》等。

    Ou Haonian
    Professor at the Institute of Art, Department of Fine Arts, Chinese Culture University; Professor at the National Taiwan University of Arts, Honorary Curator of Lingnan Fine Arts Museum, master of Lingnan School of Painting.
    He was born in Wuchuan, Guangdong in 1935, and settled in Taiwan in 1970. At the age of 17, he learned from Zhao Shaoang, the master of Lingnan School of Painting. He commits himself to studying and becomes a great master of art. The themes he specializes in painting include birds and flowers, landscapes, figures, animals and beasts, and he also studies calligraphy and poetry. He is known as “the first person in Taiwan painting circle” due to his multi-element rich art achievements. At the age of 20, he participated in a Southeast Asia exhibition tour, and he was invited to exhibit overseas in the following decades. He was recognized and respected by the international art circle, and was awarded the special prize for biennial exhibition of Paris Grand Palace Museum of French National Academy of Fine Arts.
    He serves as the full-time professor at the Institute of Art, Department of Fine Arts, Chinese Culture University, part-time professor at the National Taiwan University of Arts, Honorary Curator of Lingnan Museum of Fine Art of Academia Sinica, President of Au Ho-nien Cultural Foundation, Director of Hong Kong Chu Hai University, Permanent Honorary President of Hong Kong (Overseas) Literary Artists Association, Director of International Technological University, chief supervisor of San Francisco Chinese Art Society. He has served as a member of preparation and judge committee of the 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th national art exhibition.His representatives include: Landscape, Lotus, Five Tigers and Sea Hawk, etc.

    《高洁》    中国画    366cm×288cm      2008年  王林旭作品
    Noble and Unsullied, Chinese painting, 366cm×288cm, 2008, By Wang Linxu

    第十一、十二、十三届全国政协常委, 全国政协书画室副主任, 博鳌亚洲论坛秘书处特别代表。
    1959年6月生于青岛市, 第九、十届全国政协委员, 第十一、十二、十三届全国政协常委、全国政协外事委员会、全国政协农业农村委员会委员、全国政协书画室副主任, 中国美术家协会理事, 中国国家画院专家、研究员, 国家一级美术师、正高二级教授, 中国书法家协会会员, 中国画学会理事。现任全国政协书画室副主任、中华海外联谊会常务理事、中国和平统一促进会常务理事、文化艺术委员会副主任。国家有突出贡献文化艺术专家, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴。“国家文化名家”荣誉称号获得者, 国家文艺界领军人才和领军团队学科带头人, 博鳌亚洲论坛秘书处特别代表、中国联合国协会理事, 联合国文明联盟艺术家代表。
    擅长中国画墨竹、山水等题材, 画风秉承了中国传统绘画的水墨意象, 又将当代视野和国际化的视觉语境相融合, 形成了当代中国画的语言表达。2014年应联合国邀请创作的两件当代中国画作品《互动的世界》和《共同的家园》被纽约联合国总部收藏永久展陈于联合国安理会大会议楼东大厅, 并荣获联合国颁发的世界和平艺术家金奖。

    Wang Linxu
    He is member of the Standing Committee of the 11th, 12th, and 13th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Office of the CPPCC National Committee, and Special Representative of the Secretariat of the Boao Forum for Asia.
    Born in Qingdao in June 1959, he is member of the 9th and 10th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the 11th, 12th, and 13th Standing Committees of the CPPCC, the Foreign Affairs Committee of the CPPCC, the Agricultural and Rural Committee of the CPPCC, Deputy Director of the Calligraphy and Painting Studio of the CPPCC, Director of the China Artists Association, an expert and researcher at the National Academy of Painting of China, a national first-class artist, and a senior second-class professor. He is also member of the China Calligraphers Association and Director of the China Painting Society. Currently, he holds the positions of Deputy Director of the CPPCC Calligraphy and Painting Office, Executive Director of China Overseas Friendship Association, Executive Director of China Peaceful Reunification Promotion Association, and Deputy Director of the Culture and Art Committee. Cultural and artistic experts who have made outstanding contributions to the state receive special government allowances from the State Council. He has been honored with the title of "National Cultural Master" and is a leading talent and academic leader in the national literary and artistic circles. He also serves as a special representative of the Secretariat of the Boao Forum for Asia, Director of the United Nations Association of China, and an artist representative of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations.
    He excels in Chinese ink bamboo painting, landscape painting, and other themes. His painting style embraces the ink imagery of traditional Chinese painting while blending contemporary perspectives and an international visual context, forming the expressive language of contemporary Chinese painting. In 2014, two contemporary Chinese paintings, An Interactive World and Common Homeland, created upon the invitation of the United Nations, were permanently collected and exhibited at the east hall of the General Assembly Building of the United Nations Headquarters in New York. They were awarded the United Nations’ Gold Award for World Peace Artists.

    《康定情歌》  中国画    288cm×150cm  尼玛泽仁作品
    Kangding Love Song Chinese painting, 288cm×150cm, By Nima Zazen
          第九届、十届、十一届、十二届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会顾问、中央文史研究馆馆员。
           藏族, 四川巴塘人, 毕业于四川美术学院。第九届、十届、十一届、十二届全国政协委员, 十世班禅画师, 中央文史研究馆馆员, 第六届中国美术家协会副主席, 第七届、八届、九届中国美术家协会顾问, 中国国家画院研究员、院委、顾问, 中国画学会副会长, 国家一级美术师。2012年被聘为伦敦奥林匹克美术大会艺术指导委员会总顾问。2016年荣获塔吉克斯坦艺术科学院“荣誉院士”称号。
           曾在美国、英国、法国、瑞士、德国、西班牙、奥地利、卢森堡、意大利、比利时、澳大利亚、加拿大、印度、日本、韩国、墨西哥、泰国、马来西亚等多个国家以及中国香港、澳门、台湾等地的博物馆、美术馆举办个人大型画展和联展, 曾获国务院新闻办、外交部、文化部嘉奖, 以及四川省文联颁发的特殊荣誉证书。作品多次参加全国大展:“百年中国画展”“开放的时代”大型画展, 第二届、第三届中国北京国际美术双年展, 以及“同一个世界——中国画家彩绘联合国大家庭”艺术大展等。曾获全国性美术大展金奖、银奖。曾获美国巴特鲁治市政府授予的“荣誉市长”称号, 英国利物浦市政府授予的“国际杰出艺术家”称号, 曾获国务院授予的“全国民族团结、进步、模范”称号, 中国美协等单位颁发的“民族杰出美术家”奖牌, 四川省文联授予的“德艺双馨”艺术家。

    Nima Zazen
    Member of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th CPPCC National Committee, consultant of China Artists Association, member of Central Institute of Culture and History
    Nima Zeren, Tibetan, is a native of Batang, Sichuan, a graduate from Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, member of the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th CPPCC National Committee, once drawing portrays for the 10th Panchen Lama, member of Central Institute of Culture and History, Vice Chairman of the 6th Chinese Artists Association, consultant of the 7th, 8th and 9th Chinese Artists Association. He is also researcher, committee member and consultant of China National Academy of Painting, Vice President of Chinese Painting Society, and national first-class artist. In 2012, he was appointed as the general Advisor of the Art Steering Committee of the London Olympic Fine Arts Conference. In 2016, he won the title of “Honorary Academician” from Tajikistan Academy of Arts.
    He held individual large-scale art exhibitions and group exhibitions in museums and art galleries in the US, the UK, France, Switzerland, Germany, Spain, Austria, Luxembourg, Italy, Belgium, Australia, Canada, India, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, Thailand, Malaysia, as well as Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other places in China. He is the winner of rewards and praises from Information Office of the State Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Culture, and special honorary certificates from SCFLAC. His works have amazed many national exhibitions, such as “100-year Chinese Art Exhibition”, “Open Times” Large-scale Art Show, the 2nd and 3rd China Beijing International Art Biennale, and “One World-Chinese Painters Painting the UN Family” Art Exhibition. He is also the winner of gold and silver awards at national art exhibitions, Honorary Mayor of the City of Bartruch from Bartruch, USA, “International Outstanding Artist” from City of Liverpool, UK, “National Unity, Progress and Model” from the State Council, “National outstanding Artist” medal from China Artists Association, “professional and moral artist” from SCFLAC.

    《太行云兴》    中国画    180cm×95cm    2021年  牛克诚作品
    In the Clouds of Taihang  Chinese Painting  180 cm × 95 cm, 2021, By Niu Kecheng
           第十三届全国政协委员, 中国艺术研究院国画院院长、中国艺术研究院学术委员会副主任、《美术观察》主编、博士生导师。
           1961年生于辽宁抚顺, 1983年毕业于北京大学历史系, 1987年毕业于中国社会科学院研究生院历史系, 1994年至1997年作为东京大学外国人客员研究员、日本国文部省特聘海外艺术家(画家)在日本学习日本画技法并从事绘画创作。
           绘画作品入展“首届北京国际美术双年展”及第十、十一、十三届“全国美展”等国家级重要美术展, 以及“法国国家对比沙龙展”“来自中国美术馆的艺术”等国际展, 获“首届中国美术奖”“重彩画创作学术奖”等;学术专著《色彩的中国绘画》获国家图书奖;主持完成全国艺术科学“十五”规划国家重点项目“中国传统色彩学”, 出版《牛克诚山水画作品集》《中国艺术研究院艺术家丛书·牛克诚》等。
           现为中国艺术研究院国画院院长、中国艺术研究院学术委员会副主任、《美术观察》主编、博士生导师, 全国政协委员, 国务院学位委员会美术学科组委员, 新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级人选, 中宣部“文化名家暨四个一批人才”, 享受国务院颁发的政府特殊津贴专家, 中国美术家协会理事兼理论委员会副主任, 北京国际美术双年展策划委员会委员。

    Niu Kecheng
    Member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, dean of Chinese Painting Academy of China Academy of Art, deputy director of Academic Committee of China Academy of Art, editor-in-chief of Art Observation, doctoral supervisor.
    Niu Kecheng was born in Fushun, Liaoning in 1961, graduated from the History Department of Peking University in 1983 and the History Department of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences in 1987. From 1994 to 1997, he worked as a foreign guest researcher at Tokyo University and distinguished overseas artist (painter) from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of Japan to study Japanese painting techniques and engage in painting creation in Japan.
    His paintings entered the 1st Beijing International Art Biennale, the 10th, 11th and 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts and other national important art exhibitions, as well as international exhibitions such as French National Contrast Salon Exhibition and Art from National Art Museum of China, and won the 1st Chinese Art Award and Academic Award for Heavy Color Painting Creation; The academic monograph Chinese Painting of Color won the National Book Award; He presided over and completed the national key project Chinese Traditional Chromatics in the 10th Five-Year Plan of National Art Science, and published Niu Kecheng’s Landscape Painting Collection and Artist Series of China Academy of Art - Niu Kecheng, etc.
    Niu is currently the president of Chinese Painting Academy of China Academy of Art, deputy director of Academic Committee of China Academy of Art, editor-in-chief of Art Observation, doctoral supervisor, member of National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of Fine Arts Discipline Group of Academic Degrees Committee of State Council, national candidate of “One Million Talents Project” of new century, Famous Cultural Artists and Four Groups of Talents of Publicity Department of the CPC, expert who enjoys special government allowance issued by State Council, director of Chinese Artists Association and deputy director of Theory Committee, and member of Planning Committee of Beijing International Art Biennale.

    《远方(草原牧牛人)》  中国画    90cm×180cm      2020年  田黎明作品
    Distance (prairie cattleman) Chinese painting 90cm×180cm, 2020, by Tian Liming

           第十二、十三届全国政协委员,中国艺术研究院国画院教授, 中央美院中国画学院原院长、中国艺术研究院原副院长。
           1955年生于北京, 毕业于中央美术学院中国画系, 硕士研究生, 导师卢沉教授。历任中央美院中国画学院院长, 中国艺术研究院副院长、国画院院长, 中国美术家协会中国画艺委会主任, 中国画学会会长。
           代表作品有《碑林》《小溪》《雷锋》《玄奘法师》等, 2013年获“第二届中华艺文奖”, 2017年获“凤凰艺术奖·最佳实验水墨艺术奖”。2016年于意大利佛罗伦萨举办个展, 2012年英国皇家艺术学院举办“伦敦2012· 中国艺术展”, 2015年国家博物馆举办“田黎明·杨飞云双人展”。出版多种个人画集。
           田黎明以“和”的审美理想融中国传统儒、道、释, 构成了其作品追寻平淡天真的审美理念, 他的水墨人物画向着人是自然, 自然是人的人文理念, 以阳光、空气、水为主题, 作品呈现出鲜活的时代感, 形成了自己的绘画理念和艺术风格。

    Tian Liming
    Member of the 12th and 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Professor at Chinese Painting Academy, Chinese National Academy of Arts, Former President of the School of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Former Vice President of the Chinese National Academy of Arts.
    Born in Beijing in 1955, he graduated from the Department of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts. During his days as a master student, he learned from Professor Lu Shen. His positions include President of the School of Chinese Painting, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Vice President of Chinese National Academy of Arts, President of Chinese Academy of Painting, Director of Chinese Painting Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association, and President of Chinese Painting Society.
    His representative works include Forest of Steles, Brook, Lei Feng and Master Xuanzang. He won the second Chinese art prize in 2013, and Best Experimental Ink Art Award of Phoenix Art Award in 2017. In 2016, he held a solo exhibition in Florence, Italy. In 2012, he held “London 2012· Chinese Art Exhibition” in the Royal Academy of Art. In 2015, he chose the National Museum as the site of “Tian Liming and Yang Feiyun Double Exhibition”. He has published a variety of personal art collections.
    His works have entered many important art institutions at home and abroad as collection, including National Art Museum of China, National Museum, Chinese Party History Museum, and National Academy of Painting.
    Weaving through his works is “harmony”, an aesthetic ideal that blends Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism and endows his works with a tone of pureness and innocence. His ink figure paintings focus on human-nature oneness, depicting sunshine, air and water as the theme. His works exude a fresh sense of the times, as the painter develops his own painting concept and artistic style.

    《生命是人的光》    中国画    240cm×195cm    2021年  赵建成作品
    Life is the Light of Men    Chinese painting 240cm×195cm, 2021, By Zhao Jiancheng

           中国艺术研究院中国画院艺术委员会主任、博士生导师, 中国国家画院研究员, 中国美术家协会国家重大题材美术创作艺术委员会委员。
           中国艺术研究院中国画院艺术委员会主任、博士生导师, 中国国家画院研究员, 中国美术家协会国家重大题材美术创作艺术委员会委员, 北京市文史馆馆员, 文化和旅游部高级职称评委, 国家一级美术师, 享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家。
           其作品连续五届入选全国美展并获奖:1984年, 作品《铺路石》入选第六届全国美展, 获铜奖, 由中国美术馆收藏;1989年, 作品《厚土》入选第七届全国美展, 获铜奖, 由上海美术馆收藏;1994年, 作品《金秋》入选第八届全国美展, 并评为获奖作品(该展不设等级, 只评获奖作品、优秀作品两个等级);1999年, 作品《魂系雪域——孔繁森》入选第九届全国美展, 获铜奖;2004年, 作品《西部放歌——灵光》入选第十届全国美展, 获银奖。
           2007年, 承担中国国家重大历史题材美术创作工程《国共合作1924·广州》(700cm×315cm)的创作任务, 作品被中国美术馆收藏;2016年, 承担国家重大历史题材“中华文明历史题材美术创作工程”《民族会盟——七溪会阅图》(670cm×470cm)的创作, 由国家博物馆收藏;2017年, 承担北京市政府委托的“北京市重大历史题材美术作品展”《换了人间——1949·北京》(1800cm ×300cm)的创作, 作品被北京市政府收藏;2018年, 承担文化和旅游部主办的“一带一路”国际美术工程《康熙西征图》(1000cm × 200cm)的创作, 被中国国家画院收藏;2021年, 承担中宣部、中国文联、文化部、财政部主办的“不忘初心 继续前进——庆祝中国共产党成立100周年大型美术创作工程”《开国大典》(1200cm× 420cm)的创作任务, 作品在中国共产党历史展览馆展出并收藏。

    Zhao Jiancheng
    Director of the Arts Council of Chinese National Academy of Arts’ China Academy of Painting, doctoral supervisor, researcher of China National Academy of Painting, and member of the Artistic Committee for the Creation of Art on National Important Themes of the China Artists Association.
    Director of the Arts Council of Chinese National Academy of Arts’ China Academy of Painting, doctoral supervisor, researcher of China National Academy of Painting, member of the Artistic Committee for the Creation of Art on National Important Themes of the China Artists Association, librarian of the Beijing Jing Shi Think Tank, judge with high-grade professional title of Ministry of Culture and Tourism, national first-class artist, and expert enjoying the special government allowance of the State Council.
    His works were selected for five consecutive national art exhibitions and won awards: The work Paving Stones was selected for the 6th National Art Exhibition in 1984 and collected by the National Art Museum of China. The work Thick Soil was selected for the 7th National Art Exhibition in 1989, won a bronze prize, and was collected by the Shanghai Art Museum. The work Golden Autumn was selected for the 8th National Art Exhibition in 1994 and was rated as an award-winning work (no levels are set for this exhibition, and only award-winning works and outstanding works will be evaluated). The work Soul of Snowy Land - Kong Fansen was selected for the 9th National Art Exhibition and won a bronze prize in 1999. The work Sing for West-Aura was selected for the 10th National Art Exhibition and won a silver prize in 2004.
    In 2007, he undertook the Nationalist-Communist Cooperation 1924·Guangzhou (700cm × 315cm), a creation task of China’s national art creation project on major historical themes, which was collected by the National Art Museum of China. In 2016, he undertook the creation of the National Alliance – Qixi Meeting Parade (670cm × 470cm), which was collected by the National Museum of China. In 2017, he undertook the creation of Change the World-1949·Beijing (1800cm × 300cm), which was commissioned by the Beijing Municipal Government for the “Beijing Exhibition of Artworks on Major Historical Themes” and was collected by the Beijing Municipal Government. In 2018, he undertook the creation of Kangxi’s Western Expedition (1000cm × 200cm) for the “Belt and Road” international art project organized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, which was collected by the China National Academy of Painting. In 2021, he undertook the task of creating the Founding Ceremony (1200cm × 420cm) for the “stay true to the mission and continue marching forward-Large-scale art creation project for celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China sponsored by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Ministry of Culture, and the Ministry of Finance, and the work was displayed and collected in the Historical Exhibition Hall of the Communist Party of China.

    《陕北延川姑娘》    油画    100cm×80cm        王胜利作品
    Oil painting  Yanchuan girl in northern Shaanxi     100cm×80cm,  By Wang Shengli

    Wang Shengli
    Former dean of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, council member of China Artists Association, and Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles.
    Wang Shengli was born in Xi’an in 1951. He studied at the Central Academy of Fine Arts from 1975 to 1977, and graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1988. The oil paintings Treasure and Red Date won the bronze medal of the 7th and 9th National Art Exhibition respectively. He used to be the dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, the council member of China Artists Association, the deputy director of the Oil Painting Art Committee, the executive director of the China Oil Painting Society, the Vice Chairman of the the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Vice President of the Shaanxi Oil Painting Society, and the national expert with outstanding contributions.
    Rookie of Military Academy won the third prize of the International Youth Art Exhibition, and the oil painting Treasure won the bronze medal of the 7th National Art Exhibition. Ballad of the Yellow River was selected for the Centennial Exhibition of Chinese Oil Painting Portrait and the “Twentieth Century Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition”, and Red Date won the bronze medal of the 9th National Art Exhibition. Sunshine of June participated in the 3rd National Oil Painting Exhibition as a judge’s work, and Autumn Sun participated in the 10th National Art Exhibition as a national judge’s work. Wang Shengli has participated in many national large-scale art exhibitions, and his works has been exhibited in the United States, Japan, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, the Philippines and other countries, and Hong Kong and Taiwan, China, with many works collected by famous art institutions at home and abroad.
    He has published many monographs such as Wang Shengli’s Oil Paintings and Twenty Chinese Oil Paintings-Wang Shengli. In 2007, Sketching Oil Paintings was rated as a national excellent course and won the “Famous Teacher Award” in Shaanxi Province.

    《鹤翔天》  布面重彩    200cm×120cm  2022年   韩书力作品
    Soaring Cranes    Heavy colored paintings on canvas     200cm×120cm,  By Han Shuli

           第十、十一、十二届全国政协委员, 中国美协理事、西藏美协主席、西藏书画院院长。
           1947年生于北京。毕业于中央美术学院, 1973年进入西藏从事美术工作。
           数十年来, 在扎根西藏, 从事艺术创作的同时, 还担任西藏自治区人民政府参事、中国西藏文化保护与发展协会常务理事、中国美协中国画艺委会副主任、中国国家画院研究员、西藏文联名誉主席、西藏美协主席、西藏美术院院长、西藏文化发展促进会副主席、西藏唐卡艺术鉴定中心专家委员会主任;民革中央画院艺委会委员、澳门美术协会艺术顾问、中国民族画院副院长;中国人民大学艺术学院、西藏大学、西藏民族学院客座教授。国家一级美术师, 享受国务院特殊贡献津贴。著有《韩书力画集》《西藏艺术集萃》《韩书力布面重彩》《韩书力西藏画集》等。
           先后在法国巴黎、日本东京, 以及澳门等20多个国家和地区举办个展或联展。2009年完成国家重大历史题材美术创作工程作品《高原祥云——和平解放西藏》;2011年, 被评选为60位感动西藏人物之一。

    Han Shuli
    Member of the 11th and 12th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Director of China Artists Association, Chairman of Tibet Artists Association and President of Tibet Painting and Calligraphy Institute.
    Born in Beijing in 1947, he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts and engaged in fine arts in Tibet in 1973.
    For decades, while taking root in Tibet and engaging in artistic creation, he has also served as the Counselor of Tibet Autonomous Region People’s Government, the Executive Director of China Association For Preservation and Development of Tibetan Culture, the Deputy Director of Chinese Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association, the Researcher of China National Academy of Painting, the Honorary Chairman of Tibet Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Chairman of Tibet Artists Association, the President of Tibet Academy of Fine Arts, the Vice Chairman of Tibet Culture Development & Promotion Association, and the Director of Expert Committee of Tibet Thangka Art Appraisal Center, the Member of Art Committee of Central Painting Academy of the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang, the Art Consultant of Macao Fine Arts Association, the Vice President of Chinese National Fine Arts Institution, the Visiting Professor of Renmin University of China School of Arts, Tibet University and Xizang Minzu University, and the National First-class Artist, and enjoyed special contribution allowance from the State Council. He is the author of Han Shuli Painting Collection, Tibetan Art Collection, Han Shuli Heavy Colored Paintings on Canvas, Han Shuli Tibetan Painting Collection and so on.
    He has held solo exhibitions or joint exhibitions in more than 20 countries and regions such as Paris, France, Tokyo, Japan and Macau. In 2009, he completed the national major historical art creation project Plateau Cloud-Peaceful Liberation of Tibet; in 2011, he was selected as one of the 60 inspirational role models in Tibet.
    He has won many awards, such as the Special Award of the 6th Tibet Qomolangma Literature and Art Award, the Special Honor Gold Award of Blending and Learning-Sino-French Painting and Calligraphy Masterpiece Exhibition, the Silver Award of UWEE International Exhibition in 2013, the Special Contribution Award of the First Huangzhou Art Fund Award, the Gold Award of the First Canadian Maple Leaf Award International Ink Competition, the First China Cup Chinese Painting Competition Excellent Work Award, and the Gold Award of the 6th National Exhibition of Fine Arts.

    《印象非洲》  中国画    164cm×192cm    2020年 王西京作品
    Impression of Africa, Chinese painting, 164cm×192cm, 2020, By Wang Xijing
           第十二届全国政协委员, 中国画学会副会长、陕西省文联副主席、陕西美术家协会名誉主席。
           1946年生于陕西西安。现任中国画学会副会长、陕西省文联副主席、陕西美术家协会名誉主席、陕西省中国画学会会长、西安建筑科技大学艺术学院名誉院长、教授, 兼任中国艺术研究院教授、西安交通大学、西北大学、云南大学、西安美术学院教授, 第十二届全国政协委员, 第九届、第十届全国人大代表, 一级美术师, 被国务院授予“国家级有突出贡献专家”, 荣获“中国时代先锋人物”“第四届中国改革十大最具影响力新锐人物”“陕西省红旗人物”“陕西省行业领军人物”“陕西省优秀共产党专家”“劳动模范”等光荣称号。
           曾先后在新加坡、马来西亚、日本、英国、法国、泰国、韩国及香港、台湾、澳门、深圳、大连、北京、广州、郑州、合肥等国家和地区及城市成功地举办画展三十多次。在国内外报纸、杂志发表作品五千余幅, 先后出版作品集、论文集等60余种。

    Wang Xijing
    He is member of the 12th CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of the China Painting Society, Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and Honorary President of the Shaanxi Artists Association.
    Born in Xi’an, Shaanxi Province in 1946, he currently holds various positions and titles including Vice President of the China Painting Society, Vice Chairman of the Shaanxi Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Honorary Chairman of the Shaanxi Artists Association, President of the Shaanxi China Painting Society, Honorary Dean and Professor of the College of Art at Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Professor at the China Academy of Arts, Professor at Xi’an Jiaotong University, Northwest University, Yunnan University, and Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, member of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Deputy to the 9th and 10th National People’s Congresses, and First-Class Artist. He has been awarded the title of “National Expert with Outstanding Contributions” by the State Council, and has received honorable titles such as “Vanguard of China’s Times”, “Top Ten Most Influential Emerging Figures in the 4th China Reform”, “Red Flag Figure of Shaanxi Province”, “Industry Leader of Shaanxi Province”, “Excellent Communist Party Expert of Shaanxi Province”, and “Model Worker”.
    He has successfully held over 30 art exhibitions in various countries and regions including Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, the United Kingdom, France, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macao, Shenzhen, Dalian, Beijing, Guangzhou, Zhengzhou, Hefei, and others. He has published more than 5,000 works in newspapers and magazines both domestically and internationally, as well as more than 60 collections of his works and papers.

    《秋水无尘》  中国画    192cm×165cm  冯大中作品
    Dust-free Water in Autumn  Chinese painting  192 cm × 165 cm, By Feng Dazhong

           第十届、十一届、十二届全国人大代表, 中国工笔画学会会长, 辽宁省美协原副主席。
           1949年生于辽宁省盖州矿洞沟乡。中学毕业后曾做知青下乡务农5年整。广阔天地曾赶过牛车, 生产队当饲养员喂过猪, 青年点当过炊事员, 抽工回城当过木匠, 再后来当过机关职员, 加入党组织。其日后所成皆为自学。诚谓:绘画初心, 所爱终成专业;书法趣浓, 功夫尚近业余;诗词妙悟, 才疏遂曰票友。国内国外曾多次举办个展, 多次获得奖项。出版各种画册、诗抄。
           曾任第十、十一、十二届全国人大代表, 中国工笔画学会会长, 中国美术家协会中国画艺委会副主任, 中国画学会副会长, 中国美术家协会理事, 中国作家协会会员, 辽宁省美协副主席, 国家一级画家, 享受国务院特殊津贴专家。辽宁省老艺术家协会会长。
           曾在日本、新加坡、法国、澳大利亚等国家, 以及香港、台湾等地区举办展览, 作品多次入选全国性大展并获奖。有18件作品被中国美术馆收藏, 另有数十件作品被国内外重要美术馆、专业机构及收藏家收藏。

    Feng Dazhong
    Deputy to the 10th, 11th and 12th National People’s Congresses, President of China Hue Art Association, and Former Vice Chairman of Liaoning Artists Association.
    Born in Kuangdonggou Township, Gaizhou County, Liaoning Province in 1949, he worked as an educated youth to farm in the countryside for 5 years after graduating from middle school. He drove the ox cart in the vast land, worked as a breeder to feed pigs in the production team, acted as a cook when he was young, served as a carpenter when returning to the city in spare time, and later held the post of an employee of a government organ and joined in the party organization. All his future achievements are made by self-study. As the saying goes painting is the initial intention, and what you love will eventually become your specialty; if you are interested in calligraphy and practice it as an amateur; the poetry is wonderful, and you will be an amateur if you are not professional. He has held many solo exhibitions at home and abroad, won many awards, and published various albums and poems.
    He used to be the Deputy to the 10th, 11th and 12th National People’s Congresses, the President of China Hue Art Association, the Deputy Director of Chinese Painting Committee of China Artists Association, the Vice President of Chinese Painting Society, the Director of China Artists Association, a member of China Writers Association, the Vice Chairman of Liaoning Artists Association, the National First-class Painter, an expert enjoying special allowance from the State Council, and the President of Liaoning Old Artists Association.
    He has held exhibitions in Japan, Singapore, France, Australia and other countries, as well as Hong Kong, Taiwan and other regions, and his works have been selected for many national exhibitions and won awards. Eighteen works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, and dozens of works have been collected by important art galleries, professional institutions and collectors at home and abroad.

    《勇往直前》  陶瓷     80cm×40cm×120cm×2   2018年  朱乐耕作品
    Advance Bravely, Ceramic, 80cm × 40cm × 120cm ×2, 2018, By Zhu Legeng

    《万马奔腾》  陶瓷    80cm×60cm×50cm      2015年  朱乐耕作品
    Galloping Horses, Ceramic, 80cm × 60cm × 50cm, 2015, By Zhu Legeng

           第十一、十二、十三届全国政协委员, 中国艺术研究院文学艺术院名誉院长、教授、博士生导师, 中国陶瓷艺术大师。
           中国艺术研究院文学艺术院名誉院长、教授、博士生导师, 中国文化产业协会副会长, 享受国务院有特殊贡献津贴的专家待遇。多次参加国内外当代陶艺展, 先后有四十余件作品获奖, 并于2012年获文化部“非物质文化遗产薪传奖”, 2013年获中国艺术研究院“中华艺文奖”。曾在中国、新加坡、韩国、美国、法国、德国等国家举办个人陶艺展。
           多年来, 其努力推动具有中国哲学内涵的当代陶艺创作, 尤其是在当代环境陶艺的创作上卓有建树, 不少大型的陶艺作品置放在韩国首尔、济州岛, 中国的上海、天津、九江等城市的重要建筑和公共空间中, 成为该城市重要的人文景观之一。多年来其还致力于推动中国当代陶艺的国际交流, 曾担任首届东亚陶艺展的策展人与组织者, 并多次担任景德镇、佛山等多个产瓷区的国际陶艺展的组织者、策划者和评委会主任。还多次应邀在美国哈佛大学、美国阿佛雷德大学、美国肯塔基大学、加拿大拉瓦尔大学、日本东京艺术大学、韩国弘益大学等许多大学讲学。并积极参与国际的学术对话, 曾多次参加由文化部、欧盟文化组织、美国人文基金会、韩国文化中心组织的中欧文化论坛、中美文化论坛、中韩文化论坛等文化交流活动, 并在论坛上宣读论文, 扩大了中国当代艺术和陶瓷艺术在国际艺术节的影响力。其系列作品被国内外许多美术馆、博物馆收藏。

    Zhu Legeng
    Member of the 11th, 12th and 13th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Honorary President, professor and doctoral supervisor of Literature and Arts Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts, and a ceramic art master in China
    Zhu Legeng is Honorary President, professor and doctoral supervisor of the Literature and Arts Institute, Chinese National Academy of Arts, Vice President of the China Cultural Industry Association, and an expert entitled to the special government allowance from the State Council. He has participated in contemporary ceramic art exhibitions at home and abroad many times, with more than 40 works winning awards. He was granted the “Intangible Cultural Heritage Inheritance Award” by the Ministry of Culture in 2012 and the “China Arts Award” by the Chinese National Academy of Arts in 2013. He has held solo ceramic art exhibitions in China, Singapore, South Korea, the U.S., France, Germany and other countries.
    Over the years, he has made great efforts to promote the creation of contemporary ceramic art with Chinese philosophical connotations, especially the creation of contemporary environmental ceramic art. His large-scale ceramic works are frequently seen in the important buildings and public spaces of Seoul and Jeju Island in South Korea and Shanghai, Tianjin and Jiujiang in China, as important cultural landscapes locally. Over the years, he has also been committed to promoting the international exchanges of Chinese contemporary ceramic art. He was the curator and organizer of the First East Asian Ceramic Art Exhibition and has acted many times as the organizer, planner and jury head of international ceramic art exhibitions in Jingdezhen, Foshan and other ceramic producing areas. He has also been invited to give lectures at Harvard University, Alfred University, University of Kentucky, Laval University, Tokyo University of the Arts, Hongik University, etc. He also actively participates in international academic dialogues. So far, he has attended and presented papers in the China-Europe Cultural Forum, China-US Cultural Forum, China-South Korea Cultural Forum and other cultural exchange activities organized by the Ministry of Culture, the EU National Institutes for Culture, the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Korean Cultural Center several times, expanding the influence of Chinese contemporary art and ceramic art in international art festivals. His series of works have been collected by many art galleries and museums at home and abroad.

    《春光》    中国画    280cm×250cm  何水法作品
    Spring Scenery    Chinese painting    280 cm × 250 cm, By He Shuifa
           第十一届、十二届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会理事, 浙江省美术家协会副主席, 中国艺术研究院研究生院教授, 西泠印社理事。
           1946年生于杭州, 祖籍绍兴, 1980年毕业于浙江美术学院(今中国美术学院)中国画系花画研究生班。第十一、十二届全国政协委员, 第十、十一届浙江省政协常委, 第十二届浙江省政协委员, 浙江省人民政府参事, 西安市人民政府文化顾问。第七、八届中国美术家协会理事, 中国文化艺术发展促进会宋画研究院院长, 中国美术家协会中国画艺术委员会委员, 中国画学会副会长, 浙江省特级专家, 浙江省美术家协会顾问, 西泠印社理事, 全国政协丝路规划研究中心专家, 文化部中国艺术研究院研究生院教授、博导。
           浙江省政协诗书画之友社常务副理事长, 浙江省知识分子联合会副会长, 浙江知美画院院长、浙江工业大学中国大写意花鸟画研究院院长浙江海外联谊会顾问, 中国公共外交协会理事。乌克兰国家艺术科学院院士, 乌克兰利沃夫国立艺术学院荣誉博士意大利昂布罗修研究院院士。福建省画院、福州画院名誉院长, 杭州师范大学美术学院名誉院长洛阳画院名誉院长, 洛阳师范学院美术学院名誉院长。享受国务院特殊津贴专家。作品被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、中国国家画院、中央军委、北京人民大会堂、2016 杭州 G20 峰会接待场馆等众多机构收藏。

    He Shuifa
    Member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Director of China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Zhejiang Artists Association, professor of Graduate School of China Academy of Art, Director of Xiqiao Printing Society.
    Born in Hangzhou in 1946, He Shuifa’s ancestral home is Shaoxing, and He Shuifa graduated from the Flower Painting Postgraduate Class of Chinese Painting Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts (now China Academy of Fine Arts) in 1980. Member of the 11th and 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, member of the Standing Committee of the 10th and 11th Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, member of the 12th Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, counselor of Zhejiang Provincial People’s Government and cultural consultant of Xi’an Municipal People’s Government. Director of the 7th and 8th China Artists Association, Dean of Song Painting Research Institute of China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture, Member of Chinese Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association, Vice President of Chinese Painting Society, Special Expert of Zhejiang Province, Consultant of Zhejiang Artists Association, Director of Xiling Seal Engravers’ Society, Expert of Silk Road Planning Research Center of National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Graduate School of Chinese National Academy of Arts of Ministry of Culture.
    Executive Vice President of Friends of Poetry, Painting and Calligraphy of Zhejiang CPPCC, Vice President of Zhejiang Intellectuals Federation, Dean of Zhejiang Zhimei Painting Academy, Dean of China Freehand Flower and Bird Painting Research Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology, Consultant of Zhejiang Overseas Friendship Association, Director of China Public Diplomacy Association, Academician of Ukrainian National Academy of Arts, Honorary Doctor of Ukrainian Lviv National Academy of Arts, Academician of Italian Institute of Ambrosiana, Honorary Dean of Fujian Painting Academy and Fuzhou Painting Academy, Honorary Dean of Hangzhou Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, Honorary Dean of Luoyang Painting Academy and Honorary Dean of Luoyang Normal University Academy of Fine Arts, experts with special allowance from the State Council. He Shuifa’s works have been collected by many institutions, such as National Art Museum of China, National Museum of China, National Painting Academy of China, Central Military Commission, Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and reception venue of G20 Summit in Hangzhou in 2016.

    《劳动的塔吉克妇女》  水彩    153cm×103cm      2013年 陈坚作品
    A Laboring Tajikistan Woman    Watercolor     153 cm × 103 cm, 2013, By Chen Jian

          中国美术学院教授、博士生导师, 广州美术学院客座教授, 湖北美术学院特聘教授。
           1959年出生, 籍贯山东青岛, 中国美术学院教授、博士生导师, 广州美术学院客座教授, 湖北美术学院特聘教授。现任中国美术家协会理事、中国美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会主任、中国美术馆专家评审委员会委员。多次担任重要展览评委, 国内外多次参加国家级重要重大展览。作品被中国美术馆、中央美院美术馆、中国美术学院美术馆、广州美院美术馆、亚洲水彩博物馆、湖北美术馆、山东美术馆等艺术机构及藏家收藏。

    Chen Jian
    Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Visiting Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and Distinguished Professor of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts.
    Chen Jian was born in Qingdao of Shandong Province in 1959. He serves as Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Visiting Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, and Distinguished Professor of Hubei Institute of Fine Arts. He currently serves as Director of China Artists Association, Director of Watercolor Art Committee of China Artists Association, and Member of Expert Evaluation Committee of National Art Museum of China. He has served as a judge of important exhibitions for many times and participated in important national exhibitions at home and abroad. His works have been collected by art institutions and collectors such as National Art Museum of China, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Chinese National Academy of Arts, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Asian Watercolor Art Museum, Hubei Museum of Art and Shandong Art Museum.
    Chen Jian’s representative works include Tajikistan Bride, Eagle Flute, Encounter on the Way, Worried Man, Female Body and so on. He has published Sketch Works of Famous Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Painters, Works of Famous Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Painter Chen Jian, Simple Spirit - Chen Jian’s Watercolor Exhibition and so on.

    《雅典逸韵》    中国画    300cm×230cm  莫晓松作品
    The Brilliant Charm    Chinese painting    300cm×230cm, By Mo Xiaosong

           1989年《石痴米芾》参加全国第七届美术作品展览,获甘肃美展金奖。1994年《荷塘》参加全国第八届美术作品展览。1999年《暗香》参加第九届美术作品展览。2000年《冬至》《河西九月天》《夏绿》三幅作品参加文化部在法国巴黎举办的迎接新世纪中国画艺术大展,作品被联合国教科文世界遗产中心收藏。2002年《春到红墙》获全国当代花鸟画艺术大展金奖。2003 年被评为甘肃省文联第二届“德艺双馨”文艺家。2006年为国家大剧院创作巨幅工笔花鸟作品《秾华春发花气香》,陈列于国家大剧院贵宾接见大厅。2007年为中央统战部创作巨幅工笔花鸟作品《春鹤图》。2008年为中央驻澳联络办公室创作花鸟作品《十里荷塘》《玉兰春意》。2009年为中央政治局创作《京华春韵图》。2010年先后为国家领导人办公室创作《秀水春晖》《春晖》《春晖烂漫》(与王明明合作)。应外交部邀请,为中央驻港特派员公署、中央驻澳门特派员公署、中国驻马来西亚大使馆、驻缅甸大使馆、驻韩国大使馆创作巨幅工笔花鸟作品,陈列在主要场所。

    Mo Xiaosong
    Vice President of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Deputy Director of the Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Steering Committee, council member of the China Artists Association, and Vice President of the China Hue Art Association.
    He was born in Longxi, Gansu Province in 1964. He is Vice President, Deputy Director of the Art Committee, and Director of the Creation Room of Beijing Fine Art Academy, Director of the Education Commission, a National Level-1 Artist, Member of Council of the China Artists Association, Vice President of China Hue Art Association, Director of Chinese Painting Society, Director of the Beijing Artists Association, Executive Member of the Council of Tropical Rainforest Art Research Institute, Director of the Beijing Sodality of Senior Intellectuals outside the Party, Member of Evaluation Committee of Senior Professional Titles in Beijing, and Judge of the National Fine Arts Exhibition.
    In 1989, Stone Enthusiast Mi Fu participated in the 7th National Fine Arts Exhibition and won the Gold Award at the Fine Arts Exhibition of Gansu Province. In 1994, Lotus Pond participated in the 8th National Fine Arts Exhibition. In 1999, Secret Fragrance participated in the 9th National Fine Arts Exhibition. In 2000, Winter Solstice, September in Hexi, and Green in Summer participated in the Traditional Chinese Painting Art Exhibition to Welcome the New Century held by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China in Paris, France. The works were collected by the UNESCO World Heritage Centre. In 2002, Spring Arriving at the Red Wall won the Gold Award at the National Contemporary Flower-and-bird Painting Art Exhibition. In 2003, he was rated as the Second Session of Artists “with Good Virtue and Art” by the Federation of Literary and Art Circles of Gansu Province. In 2006, he created a huge fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting Fragrant Blossoms in Spring for the National Centre for the Performing Arts, which was displayed in its VIP reception hall. In 2007, he created a huge fine brushwork flower-and-bird painting Crane in Spring for the United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee. In 2008, he created the flower-and-bird painting Ten-li Lotus Pond and Magnolia in Spring for the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the Macao S.A.R. In 2009, he created Beijing Spring Rhyme for the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the CPC. In 2010, he created Beautiful Water and Spring Sunshine, Spring Sunshine, and Bright Spring Sunshine (drawn together with Wang Mingming) for the Office of National Leaders. At the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, he created huge fine brushwork flower-and-bird paintings for the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China in Macao Special Administrative Region, the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia, the Chinese Embassy in Myanmar, and the Chinese Embassy in South Korea, which were displayed in key venues.

    《千里江山》  熔铜艺术  240cm×60cm×120cm  2022年  朱炳仁作品
    A Thousand Miles of Rivers and Mountains, Molten copper art, 240cm × 60cm × 120cm, 2022, By Zhu Bingren

    《秦俑系列》  熔铜艺术  70cm×62cm×205cm    2022年  朱炳仁作品
    Terracotta Warriors, Molten copper art, 70cm × 62cm × 205cm, 2022, By Zhu Bingren

           1944年出生, 杭州人。他集铜雕、建筑、书画、篆刻于一身, 不仅是为雷峰塔“披”铜衣的“中国当代铜建筑之父”, 在梵高母校安特卫普皇家艺术学院巴特院长眼中他俨然也是一位“使用祖先语言, 讲述当代故事”的熔铜艺术家。2000年联合国开发计划署《二十一世纪封面人物》评语说:“铜雕艺术大师中, 朱炳仁先生当之无愧为一代宗师”。 2014年, 上海国际收藏论坛为其颁发“艺术创新奖”, 颁奖词上写道:“朱炳仁是中华文化伟大复兴的标志性人物”。
           他还开创了铜壁画、彩色铜雕塔的先河;他独创了熔铜艺术, 开创了“熔现实主义”新流派, 造就出的一种新的美学、视觉、艺术概念, 是对世界已有的艺术流派的一种颠覆;他还开创中国铜建筑艺术新行业;率先创建中国铜雕科学理论, 出版中国铜建筑第一部专著……而在朱炳仁自己的眼里, 他只是一个徜徉在青铜文化长河中的现代铜匠, 带着虔敬的心情追逐五千年的精气。他说:“但愿铜就是我, 我就是铜”。
           代表作有雷峰塔、灵隐铜殿等标志性铜建筑。他的诸多艺术作品, 被中国国家博物馆、故宫、北京人民大会堂、文化部、国内外博物馆等众多机构收藏。

    Zhu Bingren
    A master of Chinese arts and crafts, representative inheritor of the national intangible cultural heritage of bronze carving techniques, a 4th-generation successor of China’s time-honored brand “Zhu Fu Copper Art” and R&D consultant for cultural products of the Palace Museum in Beijing.
    Born in 1944 in Hangzhou, Zhu Bingren is well-versed in bronze sculptures, architecture, painting, calligraphy and seal cutting, not only named the “Father of Chinese Contemporary Copper Architecture” who “put on” the copper outerwear for Leifeng Pagoda but also regarded as a molten copper artist using “ancestor language to tell the contemporary stories” by Mr. Bart, President of Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, Van Gogh’s alma mater. In 2000, the 21st Century Cover Image of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) said, “Mr. Zhu is worthy of the name of a grand master of copper sculpture”. In 2014, the Shanghai International Collections Forum presented the “Artistic Innovation Award” to him with the following inscription, “Zhu Bingren is an iconic figure of the great rejuvenation of Chinese culture”.
    Apart from the above, he also created the copper murals and color bronze tower series. His original invention of molten copper art created a new genre of "realism" copper melting, a new concept of aesthetics and visual art subverting the existing schools of arts in the world. He also initiated the new industry of copper architecture art and was the first to create the scientific theory of Chinese copper sculpture. He published the first book on Chinese copper architecture... In his eyes, he is just a contemporary coppersmith dabbling in the bronze culture, chasing the 5,000-year essence with piety. He once said, "Hopefully copper is me, me the copper."
    His masterpieces include iconic copper buildings such as Leifeng Pagoda and Lingyin Temple Copper Hall. His numerous artworks have been collected by institutions such as the National Museum of China, the Palace Museum, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the Ministry of Culture and domestic and foreign museums.

    《汉武帝》  雕塑    200cm×195cm×210cm    2013年    国家博物馆藏  王洪亮、孙玉敏作品
    Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, sculpture, 200cm×195cm×210cm, 2013, collected by National Museum of China, By Wang Hongliang and Sun Yumin

           清华大学美术学院雕塑艺术研究所所长、博士研究生导师, 中国美术家协会国家重大历史题材艺术创作专业委员会委员, 国防大学军事艺术创作专家委员会委员。
           他塑造了众多有筋骨、有温度、有中华民族优秀文化和艺术精神的雕塑作品, 用雕塑再现中华民族近百年光辉的历史, 铸就了历史的永恒。为中华世纪坛创作《开国大典》, 为甘肃会宁红军长征胜利纪念馆创作《红军长征胜利会师的指挥者们》圆雕和《红军长征胜利会师》浮雕, 为南昌八一南昌起义纪念馆创作《他们从南昌起义走来》浮雕和《危难中奋起》圆雕, 为闽西革命纪念馆创作《毛泽东, 朱德, 陈毅在闽西》圆雕, 为山西刘胡兰纪念馆创作《生的伟大, 死的光荣》浮雕, 为四川阿坝州红军长征纪念馆创作《红军长征过阿坝》圆雕, 为山西八路军纪念馆创作《狼牙山五壮士》圆雕, 为嘉兴中共一大纪念馆创作《一大代表》圆雕, 为贵州遵义会议纪念馆创作《遵义会议》圆雕, 为山东沂蒙山革命纪念馆创作《沂蒙山抗日将领》圆雕, 为湘江战役纪念馆创作《血战湘江》浮雕, 为太行山革命纪念馆创作《伫马太行》浮雕, 为平津战役纪念馆创作支前〉圆雕, 为四川邱少云纪念馆创作《邱少云》圆雕, 为韶山毛泽东纪念馆创作《毛泽东》圆雕, 为李先念纪念馆创作《李先念》圆雕, 为陈云纪念馆创作《陈云》圆雕, 为中国妇女儿童博物馆创作《向警予》圆雕, 为沙石峪博物馆创作《周总理在沙石峪》浮雕, 为内蒙古三段地纪念馆创作《习仲勋与烏兰夫》圆雕, 为上海多伦路创作《郭沫若》, 为天津周恩来纪念馆创作《周总理向人民走来》浮雕, 为北京工业大学创作《钱学森》圆雕, 为中央党校创作《焦裕禄》圆雕, 为清华大学校史馆创作《清华英烈》浮雕, 为北京总工会创作《劳动者之歌》浮雕等。作品多次荣获国内外艺术大奖。

    Wang Hongliang
    He is Director and doctoral supervisor of the Department of Sculpture, Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, member of the National Major Historical Theme Art Creation Committee of China Artists Association, and member of the Military Art Creation Expert Committee of China PLA National Defence University.
    He has created numerous sculptures that embody the strength, warmth, excellent culture, and artistic spirit of the Chinese nation. Through his sculptures, he epitomizes the glorious history of the Chinese nation over the past century, leaving an everlasting legacy. Specifically, he created the Founding Ceremony for China Millennium Monument, the round sculpture Commanders of Red Army Victoriously Meeting after Long March and the relief Red Army Victoriously Meeting after Long March for Gansu Huining Red Army Victory Memorial Hall, the relief They Come from Nanchang Uprising and the round sculpture Rise in Danger for Nanchang August 1st Nanchang Uprising Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Mao Zedong, Zhu De, and Chen Yi in Western Fujian for Western Fujian Revolutionary Memorial Hall, and A Great Life! A Glorious Death! for Shanxi Liu Hulan Memorial Hall. Additionally, he created the relief Red Army Crossing Aba in Long March for the Red Army Long March Memorial Hall in Aba Prefecture, Sichuan Province. Furthermore, he crafted the round sculpture Five Warriors in Langya Mountain for the 8th Route Army Memorial Hall in Shanxi Province. Other notable works include the round sculpture Representative to the First National Congress of the Communist Party of China for the Jiaxing First National Congress of CPC Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Zunyi Meeting for the Zunyi Meeting Memorial Hall in Guizhou Province, the round sculpture Mount Yimeng Generals for Resistance against Japanese Aggression for the Mount Yimeng Revolutionary Memorial Hall in Shandong Province, and the relief Bloody Battle on the Xiangjiang River for the Xiangjiang River Battle Memorial Hall. He also created the relief Reining in a Horse on the Taihang Mountain for the Taihang Mountain Revolutionary Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Support the Front for the Pingjin Battle Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Qiu Shaoyun for Sichuan Qiu Shaoyun Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Mao Zedong for Shaoshan Mao Zedong Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Li Xiannian for Li Xiannian Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Chen Yun for Chen Yun Memorial Hall, the round sculpture Xiang Jingyu for China National Museum of Women and Children, and the relief Premier Zhou in Shashi Valley for Shashi Valley Museum, round sculpture Xi Zhongxun and Ulanhu for the Sanduandi Memorial Hall in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Guo Moruo for Duolun Road in Shanghai, and the relief Premier Zhou Enlai Walking to the People for Tianjin Zhou Enlai Memorial Hall. He also created round sculpture Qian Xuesen for Beijing University of Technology, Jiao Yulu round sculpture for the Party School of the Central Committee of C.P.C, the relief Tsinghua Martyrs for Tsinghua University History Museum, and the relief Song of Laborers for Beijing Federation of Trade Unions, among others. His works have received numerous art awards both domestically and internationally.

           清华大学美术学院教授, 中国工笔画艺术研究所所长。
          中国美术家协会第八届、第九届理事, 第九届、第十届、第十一届全国文代会代表, 中国画学会理事, 列宾美术学院荣誉教授, 吉尔吉斯斯坦总统学院荣誉院士。北京市三八红旗手、全国三八红旗手、全国创先争优先进个人、国家艺术基金评审专家、教育部国家精品课程评审专家。作品曾获得中国青年美展、中国体育美展、第八届全国美展、第十一届全国美展、国际奥林匹克运动与艺术大赛金奖等奖项。在中国美术馆、清华大学美术学院美术馆、法国巴黎中国文化中心、日本东京中国文化中心、意大利佛罗伦萨美第奇宫等举办“孙玉敏中国画作品展”, 作品被中国美术馆、中国妇女儿童博物馆、国际奥林匹克艺术博物馆等机构永久收藏。所授线上课程“优秀文化, 灿烂的艺术——中国工笔画人物赏析与创作”获教育部线上精品、教育部本科生国家一流课程和学习强国课。

    Sun Yumin
    She is a professor at the Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, and Director of the China Institute of Meticulous Painting.
    She is Director of the 8th and 9th China Artists Association, representative of the 9th, 10th and 11th China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Director of China Painting Society, honorary professor of Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and honorary academician of Presidential Academy of the Kyrgyz Republic. She is the March 8 Red Flag Bearer of Beijing, National March 8 Red Flag Bearer, National Advanced Individual in Excelling in Work, Evaluation Expert of China National Arts Fund, and Evaluation Expert of National Excellent Courses of the Ministry of Education. Her works have received awards such as China Youth Art Exhibition, China Sports Art Exhibition, the 8th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, the 11th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, and the Gold Medal of International Olympic Movement and Art Competition. “Sun Yumin’s Chinese Painting Exhibition” has been held in the National Art Museum of China, Art Gallery of Academy of Arts & Design, Tsinghua University, China Cultural Center in Paris, France, China Cultural Center in Tokyo, Japan, and Medici Palace in Florence, Italy. Her works have been permanently collected by the National Art Museum of China, China National Museum of Women and Children, International Olympic Art Museum, and other institutions. The online course “Excellent Culture and Brilliant Art - Appreciation, Analysis, and Creation of Figures in China’s Fine Paintings” has been awarded the title of Ministry of Education Online Excellent Course, National First-class Undergraduate Course, and Learning Power Course.

    《丝路人家》  中国画    270cm×124cm  陈平作品
    Silk Road Family    Chinese painting     270 cm × 124 cm, By Chen Ping

           中央美术学院教授、博士生导师, 中国艺术研究院博士生导师, 中国国家画院研究员, 中央美术学院中国画学院原院长。
           1960年生于北京, 1984年毕业于中央美术学院中国画专业并留校任教, 现为中央美术学院二级教授, 硕士生、博士生导师;中国艺术研究院博士生导师。
          中央美术学院中国画学院原院长;中国国家画院研究员;中共中央宣传部“四个一批”人才;教育部指导教育委员会美术学副主, 中国书法家协会会员;中华诗词学会会员。著名山水画家、诗曲家、剧作家、书法家、篆刻家。
           出版有个人画集、书法集、篆刻集、诗曲集数十册, 并编有《画梦诗魂》《黄山记》杂剧两种。作品有《半村半郭人家》《淡静的日子》《家乡美景眼画》等。曾在日本、香港地区等国举办个人画展。

    Chen Ping
    Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Researcher of China National Academy of Painting, and Former Dean of School of Chinese Painting of Central Academy of Fine Arts.
    Born in Beijing in 1960, Chen Ping graduated from and became a teacher in the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1984. He currently serves as Second-level Professor, Master’s Supervisor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Doctoral Supervisor of Chinese National Academy of Arts.
    Chen Ping is Former Dean of School of Chinese Painting of Central Academy of Fine Arts; Researcher of China National Academy of Painting; “Four Groups” of Talents in the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee; Deputy Director of Fine Arts of the Guiding Education Committee of the Ministry of Education and Member of the China Calligraphers Association; Member of Chinese Poetry Society. He is a famous landscape painter, poet, playwright, calligrapher and seal engraver.
    Chen Ping has published dozens of personal painting collections, calligraphy collections, seal engraving collections, poem collections, and compiled two kinds of zaju, namely Painting Dream and Poetry Soul and Records of Mount Huang. His works include Half Villagers and Half Citizens, Quiet Days, Painting of Beautiful Hometown and so on. He has held personal exhibitions in Japan and Hong Kong of China.

    《命运共同体》    摄影    300cm×130cm    2019年  王保胜作品(摄于南极)
    Community of Shared Future Photography 300cm×130cm, 2019, By Wang Baosheng(Taken at the South Pole)

    Painted Silk Road: A Large-scale Cultural Exchange Activity for Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists Traveling on the Silk Road (Published by Central Party Literature Press)
    王保胜 主编/摄影  
    Edit/photography: Wang Baosheng

    The common construction of the “silk road economic belt” is a great cause for the benefit of people of all countries along the belt.
    From 2010 to 2015, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Shaanxi Provincial People’s Government and China Artists Association successfully held the “Painted Silk Road - Painted Silk Road: A Large-scale Cultural Exchange Activity for Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists Traveling on the Silk Road”. Wang organized more than 100 famous domestic artists onto overseas artistic trips for five times, which lasted five years and covered 121,400 kilometers. They visited more than 40 historical and cultural cities in dozens of countries, including China, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Iran, India, Nepal, Spain, and France. They held 8 international touring exhibitions in China, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Japan and other countries. The Central Party Literature Press published a large photo album with Wang Baosheng as editor and photographer, the Painted Silk Road: A Record of the Large-scale Cultural Exchange Activities of the Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists Traveling on the Silk Road.

          曾任中国人民解放军海军某潜艇基地政治部宣传处新闻中心主任, 曾任职于济南军区《前卫报》《解放军报》等媒体。从事新闻摄影工作30多年来, 多次参加国内外重大新闻报道, 主拍国家领导人重要出访和国外领导人的访华活动, 并为国家领导人、部队将军、科学家、艺术家、企业家等人物拍摄肖像。2008年主编和拍摄《共和国两会代表委员风采》精品画册, 2013年主编和拍摄《人民美术家》(中央文献出版社出版)精品画册, 2014年主编和拍摄《彩绘丝路:中国当代著名美术家丝绸之路万里行大型文化交流活动》(中国文化部、中国文联等单位主办, 中央文献出版社出版)精品图册等。先后在中新社、新华社、《人民日报》《解放军报》《光明日报》《中国青年报》等全国及海外各大媒体上发表新闻摄影作品数万幅, 并多次获奖。1992年, 摄影作品《指点江山》获国际金奖。作为一位具有历史责任感和时代使命感的新闻工作者, 王保胜在文化强国建设中勇于担当, 在弘扬传统文化中勇于作为, 在推动中国文化艺术走向世界中不遗余力。近年来, 他充分发挥《中国文化人物》杂志在海内外具有的强大影响力, 以权威、客观、公正的立场, 用新闻、专题、特刊的形式, 通过刊物、网络等多媒体手段, 广泛而深入地报道了我国文化艺术界具有代表性的艺术家。近年来, 与博鳌亚洲论坛共同主办了“博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会文化圆桌”“博鳌亚洲论坛2021年年会女性圆桌”“博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会文化圆桌”“博鳌亚洲论坛2023年年会女性圆桌”“庆祝博鳌亚洲论坛成立20周年中国文化人物20位大家联展”“庆祝一带一路十周年:2023博鳌亚洲论坛文化人物艺术展”等文化艺术交流活动, 积极参与“一带一路”建设, 为促进文明交流互鉴作出积极贡献。

    Wang Baosheng
    President of Chinese Cultural Figures magazine, adjunct professor at International Sinology Research Center, Shandong University
    He was director of the News Center of the Propaganda Department of a submarine base of the PLAN, and he worked in Jinan Military Region for Before the Guardian and PLA Daily. He has worked in photojournalism for more than 30 years, joining many major news reports at home and abroad, filming important visits by state leaders and visits to China by foreign leaders, and taking portraits of state leaders, army generals, scientists, artists, and entrepreneurs. In 2008, he edited and shot the fine photo album Style of Representatives and Members of the Two Sessions of the Republic of China. In 2013, he edited and shot the fine art album People’s Artists (published by Central Literary Publishing House). In 2014, he edited and shot the fine album Painted Silk Road: Large-scale Cultural Exchange Activities of Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists Covering 10,000 Miles along the Silk Road (sponsored by Ministry of Culture, China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, published by the Central Literary Publishing House). He has published tens of thousands of photojournalism works in China News Service, Xinhua News Agency, People’s Daily, PLA Daily, Guangming Daily, China Youth Daily, and other major national and overseas media. And his works have won him many awards. In 1992, his photography Pointing the River and Mountains won the international Gold Medal. As a journalist with a sense of historical responsibility and mission of the times, Wang acts actively in building China into a strong cultural country and promoting traditional culture, trying his best to spread Chinese culture and art to the world. In recent years, he has given full play to the strong influence of Chinese Cultural Figures magazine at home and abroad, in authoritative, objective and impartial approach, using news, special issues, special issues, publications, the Internet and other multimedia means to present to the world representative artists in the cultural and art circles of China. In recent years, he has partnered with Boao Forum for Asia to launch a series of cultural and artistic exchange events, including: Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021 Cultural Roundtable; Women’s Roundtable at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021; Cultural Roundtable at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023; Women’s Roundtable at Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2023; 20 Chinese Cultural Figures in Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Boao Forum for Asia; and Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative: 2023 Boao Forum for Asia Cultural Figures Art Exhibition. Active in the construction of the Belt and Road Initiative, he has made positive contributions to promoting exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.

    《一山一水一圣人》    中国画    400cm×200cm    2021年 孔维克作品
    Mountain, Water, Sage  Chinese Painting  400 cm × 200 cm, 2021, By Kong Weike

           第十二届、十三届、十四届全国政协委员, 山东画院院长, 民革中央委员、中央画院院长、山东省委副主委, 中国国家画院研究员。
           全国政协委员、中国统促会理事、世界孔子后裔联谊会副会长。民革中央画院院长、中国美协理事、文化部国家艺术基金评审专家、中国艺术研究院主题性创作高研班导师、中国艺术研究院研究员、中国国家画院研究员、韩国牧园大学博士生导师。 山东省中国画学会会长、山东省画院联盟主席、山东画院院长。国家一级美术师(二级岗), 享受国务院特殊津贴。

    Kong Weike
    Member of the 12th, 13th and 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, president of Shandong Painting Academy, member of the Central Committee of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, president of the Central Painting Academy, vice chairman of Shandong Provincial Committee, researcher of China National Painting Academy.
    He is the member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, director of the China Council for the Promotion of Unification, and vice president of the World Association of Confucius Dean of the Central Painting Academy of the Chinese Revolutionary Committee, director of the China Artists Association, evaluation expert of the National Art Fund of the Ministry of Culture, tutor of the thematic creation advanced research class of the Chinese Academy of Art, researcher of the Chinese Academy of Art, researcher of the Chinese National Painting Academy, and doctoral supervisor of Mokwon University, South Korea. President of Shandong Chinese Painting Society, Chairman of Shandong Painting Academy Alliance and Dean of Shandong Painting Academy. National first-class artists (second-class post) , and enjoy special allowances from the State Council.

    《兰亭修禊图》  中国画    300cm×120cm  李兴邦作品
    Lanting Gathering  Chinese Painting  300 cm × 120 cm,  By Li Xingbang

           中国当代著名画家, 中国人民大学画院特聘画家, 海南大学艺术学院特聘教授。
           1943年生于山东青岛, 祖籍山东莱州。自幼好绘画、书法艺术。稍长, 从事工艺美术设计工作, 曾参加全国工艺美术设计艺人代表大会并获奖。长期坚持自学, 遍临历代绘画、碑帖及篆刻艺术, 偏爱诗赋, 多有心得。兴趣广泛, 博识深求, 能容众家之长, 兼收并蓄, 有深厚功力。人物、山水、花鸟无不涉猎, 真草隶篆多有临池。尤以工笔、写意人物和山水见长, 其画有古风。画作构图缜密, 意蕴悠远, 笔法清晰。喜作巨幅, 布局章法突破前人, 融入新意, 用笔设色时有创新, 不拘泥于古人。其国画承袭了中国古代文人画的温宁与恬静, 在笔墨表现、色彩晕染上都极为精致、优雅, 体现了一种“本乎于心, 顺乎于道”的文人操守。
           1979年, 赴京参加国际机场航站楼壁画创作, 作为张仃先生助手参与绘制重彩壁画《哪吒闹海》。1980年先后创作大型壁画《九歌》《汉宫宴舞》《仙乐》《青岛之春》《西双版纳组歌》《乐伎图》等。2006年, 《箫赋·茶宴》入选第六届中国工笔画大展。同年, 《东方欲晓》入选中国美协主办的“纪念中国工农红军长征胜利七十周年全国中国画展”并获优秀奖。在全国多省市举办“兰生幽谷”子牧中国画作品展。出版有《兰生幽谷——子牧国画作品集》 《子牧画集》等。

    Li Xingbang
    Famous contemporary Chinese painter, Distinguished Painter of Painting Academy of Renmin University of China, Distinguished Professor of Art College of Hainan University.
    Li Xingbang was born in Qingdao, Shandong in 1943, and his ancestral home is Laizhou, Shandong. His fondness for painting and calligraphy has developed since childhood. As he grew older, he started to engage in arts and crafts design work, and once participated in the National Arts and Crafts Design Artists Congress and won awards. Long-term adherence to self-study, appreciation of all paintings, inscription and seal cutting of the past dynasties, preference for poetry and prose, he owns his experiences and ideas of all of them. He has various interests, deep knowledge, ability to absorb the strengths of different art styles, eclecticism and profound skills. People, landscapes, flowers and birds are all his objects; regular, cursive, clerical and seal, all of which he often practices. He is especially excel at meticulous brushwork, freehand brushwork figures and landscapes, and his paintings bear great ancient style. The composition of his paintings is meticulous, the meaning goes long and slow, and the brushwork is clear. He likes to make giant works, break through the layout and composition of predecessors, incorporate new ideas, innovate when using brushes and colors, and does not stick in the past. His traditional Chinese painting inherits the warmth and quietness of ancient Chinese literati paintings, and is extremely delicate and elegant in pen and ink expression and coloring, embodying the literati ethics of "following the heart and rules”.
    In 1979, he went to Beijing to join the mural creation for the terminal building of the International Airport, and as Mr. Zhang Ding’s assistant, he participated in drawing the heavy-color mural Nezha Against Dragon King. In 1980, he created large murals Nine Songs, Banquet and Dance in Han Palace, Fairy Tune, Qingdao Spring, Xishuangbanna Suite, and Music and Kabuki. In 2006, Xiao and Fu - Tea Banquet was shown in the 6th Chinese Meticulous Painting Exhibition. In the same year, Breaking Dawn in the East was shown in the “National Chinese Painting Exhibition Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army” sponsored by the China Artists Association and won the Excellence Award. He has also, in many provinces and cities across the country, held the “Orchids Deep in Valley” Zimu Chinese Painting Exhibition, and published the Orchids Deep in Valley - Collection of Zimu Chinese Paintings, Collection of Paintings of Zimu, etc.

    《赵州梨花》  中国画    140cm×220cm      2016年  铁扬作品
    Zhaozhou Pear Flower Chinese painting 140cm×220cm, 2016, By Tie Yang

           中国艺术研究院特聘研究员, 河北画院专业画家、教授, 国家一级美术师。
          1935年生于河北省赵县, 1960年毕业于中央戏剧学院舞台美术系。河北科技大学铁扬艺术研究院院长、铁扬美术馆馆长, 河北师范大学等多所大学客座教授。曾任中国美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会第二届、三届委员, 第四届副主任, 河北省美术家协会学术委员会主任, 全国美术大展评委。
           第七届全国美展后历届全国美展评委, 并有作品参展。第四届全国水彩画展后历届全国水彩画展评委, 并有作品参展。曾获全国美展、全国部分单项展奖项。曾两次获河北省政府最高奖——文艺振兴奖。曾在欧、亚、美洲一些国家举办个人画展和联展。作品被中国美术馆, 以及欧、亚、美洲多国博物馆或美术馆收藏。
           曾为中央戏剧学院、中国歌剧舞剧院等多所学院和剧院做话剧、歌剧、舞剧等多部舞台设计。出版及发表的文学作品有:散文集《母亲的大碗》《等待一只布谷鸟》, 长篇小说《大车上的我》;艺术散文随笔集《大暑记事》;中短篇小说集《美的故事》。其他散文、小说散见于《人民文学》《当代》《十月》《文艺报》《中国作家》《北京文学》《长城》等报刊。
           1985年担任电影《红衣少女》的艺术指导, 该片获本年度中国电影最高奖——“金鸡奖”“百花奖”。1989年为电影《哦, 香雪》改编剧本并担任艺术指导, 该片获第四十一届柏林国际电影节儿童片最高奖。曾赴丹麦、挪威、俄罗斯、法国、意大利、瑞士、荷兰、德国、美国、韩国、日本等国家进行艺术考察、学术交流及讲学活动。

    Tie Yang
    Special Researcher at Chinese National Academy of Arts, professional painter and professor at Hebei Painting Academy, national-level artist.
    Born in 1935 in Zhao County, Hebei Province, he graduated from the Stage Art Department of the Central Academy of Drama in 1960. He is now Dean of Tie Yang Art Institute, Hebei University of Science and Technology, Director of Tie Yang Art Museum, visiting professor of Hebei Normal University and many other universities. He was member of the Second and Third Watercolor Art Committee of Chinese Artists Association, Deputy Director of the 4th Watercolor Art Committee, Director of Academic Committee of Hebei Artists Association, and judge of national art exhibition.  
    He has acted as judge at all the national art exhibitions after the 7th national art exhibition, having his works shown at the exhibition. He has acted as judge at all the national watercolor exhibitions after the 4th national watercolor exhibition, having his works shown at the exhibition. He is the winner of national art exhibition, awards at national individual exhibitions, winning the highest award of Hebei Provincial government twice - Literary and Art Revitalization Award. He held individual exhibitions and group exhibitions in some countries in Europe, Asia and America. His works are collected by the National Art Museum of China, as well as many museums or art galleries in Europe, Asia and America.
    A stage designer of drama, opera and dance stage design for the Central Academy of Drama, China Opera and Dance Theater and other colleges and theaters, he has published collection of essays Mother’s Bowl and Waiting for a Cuckoo, novel Me on the Bus, Memoirs of Major Heat, a collection of artistic essays, and Beautiful Stories, a collection of short stories. Many of his essays and novels are available on People’s Literature, Dangdai Bimonthly, October, Journal of Literature and Art, Chinese Writers, Beijing Literature, and The Great Wall.
    In 1985, he was the art director of the film The Girl in Red, winner of the “Golden Rooster Award” and “Hundred Flowers Award”, the highest award in Chinese film that year. In 1989, he served as the art director and scriptwriter for the film Oh, Sweet Snow, winner of the top prize for children’s films at the 41st Berlin International Film Festival. Artistic investigation, academic exchange, and lecture activities have brought him to Denmark, Norway, Russia, France, Italy, Switzerland, Holland, Germany, the US, South Korea, Japan and other countries.

    《天山牧歌》  中国画    240cm×120cm  邓维东作品
    Tianshan Pastoral   Chinese painting    240 cm × 120 cm, By Deng Weidong

           中国美术家协会理事、中国美协民族美术艺委会副主任, 中国民族画院副院长, 新疆美术家协会名誉主席, 新疆师范大学美术学院名誉院长。
           湖南郴州人。先后毕业于新疆师范大学美术学院、西南大学美术学院、南京艺术学院研究生班。主要作品《榴红正秋时》《塞外春曲》《火焰山下是故乡》《云中高塔》《苍茫云海间》《遥望昆仑》等, 入选第八届、第十届、第十一届全国美展, “中国画名家学术邀请展”“中国画家彩绘联合国作品展”“2008奥林匹克美术作品大展”“第四届东亚美术作品交流展”“2012伦敦奥林匹克美术作品大展”等多项美术大展, 多幅作品获得奖项, 曾荣获新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府颁发“天山文艺奖”。近年来, 应邀赴法国、德国、意大利、西班牙、奥地利, 以及印度、日本、越南等国讲学、办展。多幅作品被国内外美术馆、博物馆收藏。曾出版《速写研究》《邓维东印象.西部山水写生集》《中国画名家邓维东》《中国美术家大系——邓维东卷》等多部画册。

    Deng Weidong
    Director of China Artists Association, Deputy Director of National Fine Arts Committee of China Artists Association, Vice President of Chinese National Fine Arts Institution, Honorary Chairman of Xinjiang Artists Association and Honorary Dean of the School of Fine Arts of Xinjiang Normal University.
    Born in Chenzhou, Hunan Province, he graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Xinjiang Normal University, the School of Fine Arts of Southwest University and the postgraduate class of Nanjing University of the Arts. His main works, such as Pomegranate in Autumn, Spring Song Beyond the Great Wall, Hometown under the Flame Mountain, Tower in the Clouds, Boundless Clouds and Looking at Kunlun, were selected into the 8th, 10th and 11th National Exhibitions of Fine Arts, “Academic Invitation Exhibition of Famous Chinese Painters”, “United Nations Works Exhibition for Colored Paintings of Chinese Painters”, “2008 Olympic Art Works Exhibition”, “the 4th East Asian Art Exchange Exhibition”, “2012 London Olympic Art Works Exhibition” and other art exhibitions. Some of his works were awarded and won “Tianshan Literature and Art Award” presented by the people’s government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. In recent years, he has been invited to give lectures and hold exhibitions in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Austria, India, Japan, Vietnam and other countries. Many works have been collected by art galleries and museums at home and abroad. He has published many albums, such as Sketch Research, Impression of Deng Weidong. Western Landscape Sketch Collection, Famous Chinese Painter Deng Weidong, Chinese Artists Series-Deng Weidong Volume, etc.

    《瑞竹》    中国画    300cm×120cm  何军作品
    Auspicious Bamboo      Chinese painting     300 cm × 120 cm, By He Jun

           西安美术学院副院长, 中国美术家协会油画艺委会委员。
           1970年生于四川, 2006年毕业于俄罗斯莫斯科苏里科夫美术学院油画系, 硕士学位。现任西安美术学院党委委员、副院长, 三级教授, 硕/博士生导师, 兼任中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员、中国油画学会理事、陕西美术家协会油画艺术委员会副主任。
           个人作品连续入选第十一届、第十二届、第十三届全国美展、第四届中国油画展、第四届全国青年美展等国家级学术展览二十余次, 并多次获国家级展览最高奖。于北京、上海、香港、新加坡、西安等多地举办个展十余次。

    He Jun
    Vice President of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts, and Member of Oil Painting Art Committee of China Artists Association.
    Born in Sichuan in 1970, He Jun graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Surikov Academy of Fine Arts in Moscow, Russia in 2006 with a master’s degree. He Jun is currently a member of the Party Committee, Vice President, Third-level Professor and Master/Doctoral Supervisor of Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts. He Jun is also a member of the Oil Painting Committee of China Artists Association, a Director of Chinese Oil Painting Society and a Deputy Director of the Oil Painting Committee of Shaanxi Artists Association.
    He Jun’s personal works have been selected for more than 20 national academic exhibitions such as the 11th, 12th and 13th National Art Exhibitions, the 4th China Oil Painting Exhibition and the 4th National Youth Art Exhibition, and won the highest awards in national exhibitions for many times. He Jun has held more than ten solo exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Xi’an.
    He Jun’s works have been collected by many professional art institutions such as National Art Museum of China, China National Academy of Painting, Hailan Art Museum, Russian Surikov Academy of Fine Arts and Singapore Simin International Art Garden.

    《华夏新貌耀寰宇》    中国画    120cm×190cm    2019年  董希源作品
    New Appearance and Buildings of China   Chinese Painting  120 cm × 190 cm, 2019,  By Dong Xiyuan

           1964年生于福建诏安, 现任第十四全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会理事, 全国第十次文代会代表, 福建省美术家协会副主席, 福建省新的社会阶层人士联谊会副会长, 文化部中国美术院艺委会委员, 中国人民大学画院特聘教授, 荣宝斋画院特聘教授。
           其作品《农家山市》《乡情》《春风得意》《山高云祥》《清音出泉壑》《鹤鸣天地宽》《新篁映锦绣·寒梅化春光》《江山永存》《涛涛云海壮山河》《锦绣河山美如画》《梅竹知春更红绿》《喜鹤三友共千秋》由中南海、人民大会堂、天安门城楼、全国人大机关、国际奥委会、中国美协收藏并陈列, 22幅作品被选为制作中国领导人2008年新年贺卡。曾应邀在上海、福建、广东、山东、台湾、香港、北京、澳门、联合国环境署举办个人画展。

    Dong Xiyuan
    Member of the 13th and 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Director of China Artists Association, and Vice Chairman of Fujian Artists Association.
    Born in Zhao’an County, Fujian Province in 1964, he is currently a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the Director of the China Artists Association, the Representative of the 10th National Cultural Congress, the Vice Chairman of the Fujian Artists Association, the Vice President of Fujian Association for Members of Emerging Social Strata, a member of the Art Committee of Chinese Academy of Arts of the Ministry of Culture, the Distinguished Professor of the Academy of Painting of Renmin University of China and the Distinguished Professor of Rongbaozhai Academy of Painting.
    He has published Dong Xiyuan Painting Collection, Selected Works of Dong Xiyuan Flower and Bird Paintings, Selected Works of Dong Xiyuan Landscape, Famous Paintings-Dong Xiyuan I Learn Landscape Painting, Splendid Rivers and Mountains-Selected Works of Dong Xiyuan for Tiananmen Gate Tower, Great Hall of the People and New Year Greeting Cards of Central Leaders, Selected Works of Contemporary Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Masters-Dong Xiyuan and so on.
    His works Farmhouse Mountain City, Nostalgia, Spring Wind, Mountain and Cloud, Clear Sound Out of Spring, Crane Roar, the New Bamboo Grove Reflects the Splendidness and the Cold Plum Transforms the Spring, Forever Mountains and Rivers, Mighty Mountains and Rivers, Splendid Rivers and Mountains, the Plum and the Bamboo are Redder and Greener in Spring and Three Friends of Cranes Get Together for Thousands of Years were collected and displayed in Zhongnanhai, Great Hall of the People, and Tiananmen Gate Tower by the organ of the National People’s Congress, International Olympic Committee and China Artists Association. 22 works were selected to make 2008 new year greeting cards of Chinese leaders. He has been invited to hold solo exhibitions in Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Shandong, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Beijing, Macau and UNEP.

    《御园春趣》    中国画    152cm×135cm      2019年  买鸿钧作品
    Spring in the Palace Garden  Chinese Painting  152 cm × 135 cm, 2019, By Mai Hongjun

           北京画院山水画创作室主任, 文化部艺术创作中心中国画研究院研究员, 国家一级美术师。
           1968年生, 河南博爱人。第九届、十届北京市青联委员, 北京市高级职称评审委员会委员、北京画院山水画创作部主任、北京画院艺术委员会委员、国家一级美术师、中国美术家协会会员, 文化部艺术创作中心中国画研究院研究员。
          1991年毕业于中央民族大学美术学院, 1999年毕业于中央美术学院助教研究生课程班。2006年入北京画院, 致力于中国山水画的研究与创作, 对书法、篆刻、诗词、戏剧亦多有涉猎。作品曾参加国内外重要美术作品展, 曾参与国家重大历史题材创作, 并为天安门城楼、北京城市副中心办公楼、中央文史馆、全国文代会、多个驻外国使领馆、澳门特区等机构和重要场所创作, 作品被中国美术馆、北京大运河博物馆、北京画院、河南省美术馆、关山月美术馆等相关国家专业机构收藏。
           2014年在中国美术馆举办“烟云供养——买鸿钧山水艺术展”, 并在河南省美术馆、关山月美术馆等地巡展。2023年在北京画院举办“绿野生辉”买鸿钧艺术展, 并应邀在全国巡展。出版有《中国文化人物——买鸿钧》《中国当代名家画集·买鸿钧(大红袍)》《烟云供养——买鸿钧诗文书画》《中国近现代书画艺术名家·买鸿钧山水卷》《中国近现代书画艺术名家·买鸿钧书法卷》《名师写生范本·买鸿钧》等。

    Mai Hongjun
    Director of Landscape Painting Creation Office of Beijing Painting Academy, researcher of Chinese Painting Research Institute of Art Creation Center of Ministry of Culture, national first-class artist.
    Mai Hongjun was born in Boai, Henan in 1968. He is the member of the 9th and 10th Beijing Youth Federation, member of Beijing Senior Professional Title Evaluation Committee, director of Landscape Painting Creation Office of Beijing Painting Academy, member of Art Committee of Beijing Painting Academy, national first-class artist, member of Chinese Artists Association, researcher of Chinese Painting Research Institute of Art Creation Center of Ministry of Culture.
    He graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts of the Central University in 1991 and the postgraduate course by teaching assistant of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1999. He joined Beijing Painting Academy in 2006 and devoted himself to the research and creation of Chinese landscape painting, dabbling in calligraphy, seal cutting, poetry and drama. His works have shown in important art exhibitions at home and abroad, and he has participated in the creation of major national historical themes, and made works for Tiananmen Gate Tower, Office Building of Beijing Sub-center, China Central Institute for Culture and History, National Cultural Congress, a number of embassies and consulates in foreign countries, Macao SAR and other institutions and important places. His works have been collected by relevant national professional institutions such as National Art Museum of China, Beijing Grand Canal Museum, Beijing Painting Academy, Henan Provincial Art Museum and Guan Shanyue Art Museum.
    In 2014, he held the Fed on Mist and Clouds-Mai Hongjun Landscape Art Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China, and later toured in Henan Art Museum and Guan Shanyue Art Museum. In 2023, he held the “Green Wild Brilliant” Mai Hongjun Art Exhibition in Beijing Painting Academy, and was invited to tour in the whole country. He has published Chinese Cultural Figures - Mai Hongjun, Chinese Contemporary Famous Painting Collection - Mai Hongjun (Dahongpao), Fed on Mist and Clouds - Poetry and Paintings of Mai Hongjun, Chinese Modern Painting and Calligraphy Artists, Mai Hongjun Landscape Volume, Chinese Modern Painting and Calligraphy Artists, Mai Hongjun Calligraphy Volume, Famous Teacher Sketch Model, Mai Hongjun, etc.

    《芳草无边》  油画    140cm×220cm      2011年  韩玉臣作品
    Boundless Grass   Oil painting    140 cm × 220 cm, 2011, By Han Yuchen

           第十届、第十一届、第十二届全国人大代表, 中国艺术研究院特聘研究员, 意大利艺术研究院荣誉院士, 俄罗斯列宾美术学院名誉教授。
           1954年生, 20世纪70年代, 他因历史原因两次与美术学院的深造机会擦肩而过, 走上坎坷的自学油画之路;他受李桦、苏高礼、梁玉龙、张文新等名师指点, 在主持经营大型企业的同时, 坚持美术创作, 先后在国家博物馆、中国美术馆、中国艺术研究院油画院举办个展。
          他对西藏题材情有独钟, 曾不辞辛劳遍走青藏、川藏、滇藏、新藏等路线, 上高原、入帐篷、住藏家、进牧场, 创作了大批藏区题材的作品, 多角度表现了阳光下西藏百姓特有的精神风貌。2014年, 作品《朝拜路上》荣获“第225届法国艺术家沙龙展”铜奖, 作品《圣湖桑珠》参加法国对比沙龙展, 作品《兄妹俩》入选第十二届全国美展。2015年, 担任中国艺术研究院特聘研究员, 在俄罗斯列宾美术学院举办“西藏题材油画作品展”, 被聘为名誉教授。2016年, 在拉萨举办“大美至纯韩玉臣西藏题材油画作品展”。2017年, 在国家博物馆举办“韩玉臣油画与西方油画展”, 参加“英国伦敦大师杰作艺术博览会”, 受邀参加法国对比沙龙展。2018年, 参加德国科隆艺术精品展。2019年, 在意大利罗马、佛罗伦萨、热那亚举办个人油画巡展, 荣获佛罗伦萨双年展最高荣誉“伟大的洛伦佐终身成就奖”。2022年, 在意大利罗马波拿巴宫举办展览, 在中国美术馆举办“璞心逐梦——油画写生作品展”。2023年, 在中国艺术研究院油画院举办“纯真·诗心”韩玉臣油画艺术与欧洲油画珍藏展。

    Han Yuchen
    Deputy to the 10th, 11th and 12th National People’s Congresses, Distinguished Researcher of Chinese National Academy of Arts, Honorary Academician of Italian Academy of Arts, Honorary Professor of the Imperial Academy of Arts of Russia.
    Born in 1954, he passed by the opportunity of further study in the Academy of Fine Arts twice for historical reasons and embarked on a bumpy road of self-study oil painting in the 1970s; guided by famous teachers such as Li Hua, Su Gaoli, Liang Yulong and Zhang Wenxin, he presided over the operation of large enterprises and insisted on art creation. He held solo exhibitions at the National Museum, the National Art Museum of China and the Oil Painting Institute of the Chinese Academy of Arts.
    He shows special preference to Tibetan themes. He has traveled along Qinghai-Tibet, Sichuan-Tibet, Yunnan-Tibet, Xinjiang-Tibet and other routes, climbed the plateau, slept in tents, lived in Tibetan house and entered pastures, and created a large number of Tibetan-themed works, showing the unique spiritual outlook of Tibetan people in the sunshine from various angles. In 2014, the work On the Road to Worship won the Bronze Award of the 225th French Artists Salon Exhibition, the work Holy Lake Sangzhu participated in the French Contrast Salon Exhibition, and the work Brother and Sister was selected into the 12th National Exhibition of Fine Arts. In 2015, he served as the Special Researcher of Chinese Academy of Arts, held the Tibetan Oil Painting Exhibition at the Imperial Academy of Arts of Russia, and was hired as the Honorary Professor. In 2016, Damei Zhichun Han Yuchen Tibetan Oil Painting Exhibition was held in Lhasa. In 2017, he held Han Yuchen Oil Painting and Western Oil Painting Exhibition at the National Museum, participated in London Masterpiece Art Fair, and was invited to participate in the French Contrast Salon Exhibition. In 2018, he participated in the Art Exhibition in Cologne, Germany. In 2019, he held a solo oil painting tour exhibition in Rome, Florence and Genoa, Italy, and won the Great Lorenzo Lifetime Achievement Award, the highest honor of Florence Biennale. In 2022, an exhibition was held at Bonaparte Palace in Rome, Italy, and “Pure Heart and Dream Chasing-Oil Painting and Sketching Works Exhibition” was held at the National Art Museum of China. In 2023, “Innocent and Poetic Heart” Han Yuchen Oil Painting Art and European Oil Painting Collection Exhibition was held in the Oil Painting Institute of Chinese Academy of Arts.

    《丝路女孩的期待》    布面油画    160cm×120cm    2015年  张义波作品
    Girls’ Expectation on the Silk Road  Oil on canvas 160cm×120cm, 2015, By Zhang Yibo

           中央美术学院教授、博士研究生导师, 中国美术家协会国家重大主题美术创作艺委会委员。
           1966年出生于河北省保定市。1985年毕业于中央美术学院附中, 1989年毕业于中央美术学院油画系第一工作室, 现为中央美术学院油画系教授, 博士研究生导师, 中国美术家协会会员, 中国美术家协会国家重大主题美术创作艺委会委员。2008年荣获中华人民共和国文化部特别嘉奖, 2021年荣获中央美术学院第二届“徐悲鸿奖”, 2023年荣获“首届世界华人美术金笔奖”, 多次参加并出色完成国家重大主题美术创作任务, 承担2019年庆祝中华人民共和国成立70周年国庆庆典领袖画像绘制任务。
           代表作品有《初春——总书记重返梁家河》《中国改革开放的总设计师-邓小平》《山村的夜晚》等。出版有多部个人专著, 作品先后被中国美术馆、中国国家博物馆、中国共产党历史展览馆、中国革命军事博物馆、中央美术学院美术馆、山东美术馆、邓小平纪念馆等专业团体与机构收藏。

    Zhang Yibo
    Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Artistic Committee for National Art Creation on Major Themes in Chinese Artists Association.
    Born in 1966 in Baoding, Hebei Province, Zhang Yibo graduated from the Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1985 and completed his studies at the First Studio of the Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989. Currently, he is a professor at the Oil Painting Department of CAFA, serving as a doctoral supervisor. Moreover, he is an esteemed member of both the Chinese Artists Association and the Artistic Committee for National Art Creation on Major Themes. In 2008, he received the Special Awards from the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China; The year of 2021 witnessed that he was bestowed with the second Xu Beihong Award by the Central Academy of Fine Arts; and he was honored as the recipient of the “First Global Chinese Fine Art Golden Brush Award” in 2023. Furthermore, he has participated in numerous art creation tasks for the major national theme with outstanding accomplishments. Notably, he undertook the responsibility of painting portraits of esteemed leaders for the National Day Celebration of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the People’s Republic of China in 2019.
    Representative works include Early Spring - The General Secretary Returns to Liangjiahe, Deng Xiaoping, the Chief Architect of China’s Reform and Opening Up, Night in a Mountain Village, etc. With a number of individual monographs published, his works have been collected by professional organizations and institutions such as the National Art Museum of China, the National Museum of China, the Museum of the Communist Party of China, the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolutionary, the CAFA Art Museum, the Shandong Art Museum, the Deng Xiaoping Memorial Hall.

    《喜鸣香岛真国色》    中国画    180cm×90cm  翟美卿作品
    The Magpie Chirps and Flowers Bloom   Chinese Painting   180 cm × 90 cm, By Zhai Meiqing

           第十二届、十三届、十四届全国政协委员、全国政协经济委员会委员, 香港各界文化促进会永远荣誉会长。
           香港人士, 现任第十四届全国政协委员、全国政协经济委员会委员, 全国妇联常委, 香港各界文化促进会永远荣誉会长。第十二届、十三届、十四届全国政协委员, 中国女企业家协会副会长、广东省工商联副主席、广东省女企业家协会会长、广州市工商联副主席、深圳市侨商国际联合会会长、香港各界文化促进会永远荣誉会长。全国妇联授予她“中国十大女杰”“全国三八红旗手”称号, 中国儿童少年基金会授予她“中国儿童慈善家”称号, 曾荣获第十届“中华慈善奖”。

    Zhai Meiqing
    Member of the 12th, 13th and 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Member of the Committee for Economic Affairs of the National Committee for the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, and Permanent Honorary President of Hong Kong Culture Association
    A Hong Kong native, he is currently a member of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Committee for Economic Affairs of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, a member of the Standing Committee of the All-China Women’s Federation, and the Permanent Honorary President of Hong Kong Culture Association. He is also a member of the 12th, 13th and 14th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the Vice President of China Association of Women Entrepreneurs, the Vice Chairman of Guangdong Federation of Industry & Commerce, the President of Guangdong Association of Women Entrepreneurs, the Vice Chairman of Guangzhou Federation of Industry & Commerce, the President of Shenzhen Overseas Chinese International Association, and the Permanent Honorary President of Hong Kong Culture Association. The All-China Women’s Federation awarded her the title of "Top Ten Female Heroes in China" and “National March 8th Red Flag Bearer”, and the China Children and Teenagers’ Fund awarded her the title of “Chinese Children Philanthropist”, and he won the 10th “China Charity Award”.

    《越南名胜下龙湾》    中国画    136cm×68cm     2019年  刘罡作品
    Ha Long Bay in Vietnam    Chinese painting    136cm×68cm, 2019, By Liu Gang


    Liu Gang
    Director of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the National Museum of China, council member of the China Artists Association, council member of the China Painting Society, and academic member of the National Museum of China.
    Born in 1961 in Jinan, Shandong Province, Liu Gang graduated from the School of Fine Arts of Shandong Normal University. Currently, he is the director of the Painting and Calligraphy Institute of the National Museum of China, the council member of the China Artists Association, council member of the China Painting Society, a senior title judge of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, an academic member of the National Museum of China, and a national first-class artist. With the theme of “Mount Tai”, his landscape paintings enjoy a high reputation in the contemporary art circle, which have been collected by the National Art Museum of China, the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Museum of China, the Great Hall of the People and other organizations. Moreover, his major books and papers include: Expressive Landscape of Contemporary Famous Masters - Liu Gang, Study of Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters - Liu Gang, Contemporary Chinese Painters’ Paintings - Liu Gang, Cases Study of Painters in the 21st Century - Liu Gang, Painters with the Most Academic Value and Potential for Collecting - Liu Gang, Experiencing the Spirit of Landscape in Nature, Landscape Volume of Liu Gang in Shenzhou Guoguang Magazine, etc.

    《山高水长》    中国画    240cm×120cm    2022年  乐震文作品
    High as Mountains and Long as Rivers  Chinese Painting  240 cm × 120 cm, 2022,  By Le Zhenwen

           上海市文史研究馆馆员, 上海觉群书画院院长, 上海海事大学徐悲鸿艺术学院首任院长、教授。
           1956年生, 浙江镇海人, 现任上海市文史研究馆馆员, 中国美术家协会会员, 中国画学会会员, 中国民主建国会上海市委文化委员会主任, 上海觉群书画院院长, 上海中国画院画师, 上海海事大学徐悲鸿艺术学院首任院长、教授。
           作为当代画坛承上启下, 继往开来的丹青大家, 作品绘画功力深厚, 笔墨挥洒自如气韵生动, 画面布局壮阔, 独特的空间效果和韵味将传统和现代相融合, 更能够以中外文化交流的新视角回看中国传统艺术, 悉心传承、推陈出新。在日本、新加坡、加拿大各地举办个展、乐震文·张弛二人展五十余次。荣膺2019“魔都盛典”年度艺术人物、入选第六届全国美展并获上海地区佳作奖、全国第一届中国山水画展优秀奖、古诗画部门全国二等奖、上海美术作品优秀奖等奖项。作品多次入选全国青年美术作品展、全日本大绘画展、多届上海美术大展以及特邀参加2017年、2021年全球水墨画大展等。作品亦被上海美术馆、上海市美术家协会、刘海粟美术馆、上海宝龙美术馆、宁波美术馆、苏州美术馆等机构收藏。
           主要著作有《山河回声——乐震文·张弛作品集》《宏约深美:乐震文·张弛作品集》《琴瑟和鸣:乐震文·张弛作品集》《乐山乐水:为祖国山河立传——乐震文作品集》《寻觅江南——乐震文作品集》《涵新——乐震文花鸟新篇》《烟云物外——乐震文作品集》《革命胜景图册》《山水画写生创作技法》《大学通用山水画教程》《乐震文画集》《四季灿々 乐震文作品集》《水墨画构图24式》《吉鸟百姿贺年卡素材集》《状态水墨中国画名家十人集》《怎样写生山水》《怎样画瀑布》《怎样画树(一)(二)》等。

    Le Zhenwen
    Librarian of Shanghai Literature and History Research Institute, Dean of Shanghai Juequn Painting and Calligraphy Institute, First Dean and Professor of Xu Beihong Art College of Shanghai Maritime University.
    Born in Zhenhai, Zhejiang in 1956, he is currently the librarian of Shanghai Literature and History Research Institute, member of Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Painting Society, director of Shanghai Municipal Committee of China National Democratic Construction Association, president of Shanghai Juequn Painting and Calligraphy Institute, painter of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy, and the first president and professor of Xu Beihong Art College of Shanghai Maritime University.
    As a master of painting who connects the preceding with the following in contemporary painting circles, he makes his works with profound painting skills, vividness by pen and ink, magnificent picture layout, unique spatial effect and charm, which combine tradition with modernity, and can look back at Chinese traditional art from a new perspective of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, carefully inherit and bring forth new ideas. His solo exhibitions were held in Japan, Singapore and Canada, the Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi Dual Exhibition were held more than 50 times. Won the annual artistic figure of "Magic Capital (Shanghai) Festival" in 2019, and his works were shown in the 6th National Exhibition of Fine Arts, and won the Shanghai Excellent Works Award, the First National Chinese Landscape Painting Exhibition Excellence Award, the National Second Prize of Ancient Poetry and Painting Department, the Shanghai Fine Arts Excellence Award and else. His works have been selected for many times in the National Youth Art Exhibition, the Japan Painting Exhibition, several Shanghai Art Exhibitions and he participated in the 2017 and 2021 Global Ink Painting Exhibitions as invited guest. His works have also been collected by Shanghai Art Museum, Shanghai Artists Association, Liu Haisu Art Museum, Shanghai Baolong Art Museum, Ningbo Art Museum and Suzhou Art Museum.
    His main works include Echo of Mountains and Rivers - Portfolio of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi, Great Beauty: Portfolio of Le Zhenwen and Zhang Chi, Chord of Qin ans Se: Portfolio of Le Zhenwen and Zhang, Enjoying the Mountains and Rivers: Biography for the Mountains and Rivers of Motherland - Portfolio of Le Zhenwen, Discover Jiangnan - Portfolio of Le Zhenwen, Han Xin - New Chapters of Flowers and Birds by Le Zhenwen, Outside the Mist and Clouds - Portfolio of Le Zhenwen, Atlas of Revolutionary Sights, Sketching Techniques for Landscape Painting, General College Tutorial for Landscape Painting, Le Zhenwen Painting Collection, Beauty of Four Seasons - Portfolio of Le Zhenwen,, 24 Styles of Ink Painting Composition Landscape, New Year Card Collection of 100 Postures of Auspicious Birds, Status Ink Painting Collection of 10 Famous Chinese Painters, How to Sketch Mountains and Waters, How to Draw Waterfalls, How to Draw Trees (1) (2), etc.

    《硕果累累》    中国画    176cm×386cm      2023年  周午生作品
    Fruitful, Chinese painting, 176cm × 386cm, 2023, By Zhou Wusheng

           1975年生于内蒙古包头市, 曾任天津美术学院中国画学院院长、花鸟画系主任。中国美术家协会会员、中国工笔画学会会员、天津美协理事、天津中国画学会常务理事。
           2002年, 《满园清》获纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美术作品展览银奖。2003年参加首届中国北京国际美术双年展序列展。2007年, 《暗香踪影》入选第三届全国中国画展。2008年参加纪念日中友好条约缔结30周年中国现代绘画作品展。2016年, 参加首届中国美术馆收藏青年美术家作品展;同年12月, 应意大利罗马美术学院邀请, 赴意大利罗马美术学院讲授中国画课程, 并被聘为该学院客座教授。2021年, 参加中国国家画院主办的“庆祝中国共产党建党100周年邀请展:百年风华——花鸟画名家作品展”;参加中国工笔画学会主办的“丹青未央——2021首届中国工笔画学会青年艺委会学术邀请展”。2022年, 参加威尼斯双年展平行展“墨色东西”。

    Zhou Wusheng
    Professor at Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts and researcher at China National Academy of Painting, Chinese National Academy of Arts, and Chinese Painting Research Institute of Communication University of China
    Born in 1975 in Baotou, Inner Mongolia, Zhou Wusheng ever worked as Dean of the Chinese Painting Institute and Head of the Department of Bird-and-flower Painting, Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts. He is a member of the China Artists Association and the China Hue Art Association, a council member of the Tianjin Artists Association and an executive council member of the Tianjin Chinese Painting Institute.
    His works have been exhibited and published in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Guangzhou, Lanzhou, Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, etc. His published works include Selected Paintings of Zhou Wusheng, Top Ten Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters - Zhou Wusheng, Contemporary Masters of Bird-and-flower Hue Art - Zhou Wusheng Volume, Contemporary Chinese Painters - Zhou Wusheng Album, Contemporary Masters of Bird-and-flower Hue Art - Zhou Wusheng, Traditional Chinese Painting Technique Series - Zhou Wusheng, Mogu Bird-and-flower Painting Technique Series - Zhou Wusheng and Famous Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters - Zhou Wusheng.
    In 2002, his painting, Manyuanqing, won the Silver Award at the National Fine Art Works Exhibition for Commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the Publication of Mao Zedong’s Talks at the Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art. In 2003, he participated in the Series Exhibition of the 1st Beijing International Art Biennale, China. In 2007, his painting, Anxiang Zongying, was selected for the 3rd National Exhibition of Chinese Painting. In 2008, he participated in the Modern Chinese Paintings Exhibition for Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of Signing of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Japan and the People’s Republic of China. In 2016, he participated in the 1st Art Exhibition of Young Artists’ Works at National Art Museum of China; in December 2016, he was invited by the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Italy to deliver a traditional Chinese painting course and then employed as a visiting professor by the Academy. In 2021, he participated in the “Invitational Exhibition in Celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China: Works of Famous Bird-and-flower Painters” hosted by the China National Academy of Painting as well as the “Endless Development in Chinese Painting - 2021 First Invitational Academic Exhibition Organized by the Youth Art Committee of China Hue Art Association”. In 2022, he participated in the Parallel Exhibition “Mose Dongxi” of the Venice Biennale.

    《花样年华》    中国画    100cm×68cm      2023年 崔景哲作品
    In the Mood for Love    Chinese painting   100 cm × 68 cm, 2023, By Cui Jingzhe

           满族, 民盟, 1980年生。国家一级美术师, 中国美术家协会理事、中国工笔画学会常务理事、河北美术家协会副主席、河北美术学院副院长。其作品收藏并悬挂于中南海、人民大会堂、全国政协礼堂、北京大兴国际机场贵宾厅、青岛机场贵宾厅、瑞士国际奥林匹克博物馆、国际奥委会大楼等。国内外举办数十次个人画展, 多家电视台为其制作专题片, 出版个人画集三十多部。多次担任艺术类专家评委, 北京卫视《书画里的中国》书画专家。
           作品《青春系列》荣获首届全国现代工笔画大展铜奖。《白桦林》荣获第三届全国工笔画山水画展铜奖。《凝》荣获第七届全国工笔画展优秀奖。2018年于巴黎获得全球公益联盟文化与艺术骑士金质勋章, 同年10月获得戛纳国际艺术展最高评委奖。2019年在瑞士国际奥委会博物馆举办《中国红》崔景哲画展, 《中国红》获欧洲艺术沙龙金奖(法国巴黎大皇宫)。2022年在中国美术馆举办“中国红-崔景哲工笔画展”个人画展, 同年荣获国际奥组委颁发的“顾拜旦奖章”。
           《奥运圣火采集仪式组画》悬挂于瑞士国际奥林匹克博物馆, 《源远流长》悬挂于人民大会堂香港厅, 《和合相生》悬挂于北京大兴国际机场贵宾厅, 《太行金秋》悬挂于北京会议中心, 《江山就是人民 人民就是江山》悬挂于北京钓鱼台庆功厅。

    Cui Jingzhe
    Director of China Artists Association, Executive Director of China Hue Art Association, Vice President of Hebei Artists Association and Vice President of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts.
    Born in 1980, Cui Jingzhe of Manchu nationality has joined China Democratic League. He is a national first-class artist, Director of China Artists Association, Executive Director of China Hue Art Association, Vice President of Hebei Artists Association and Vice President of Hebei Academy of Fine Arts. His works are collected and hung in Zhongnanhai, Great Hall of the People, Auditorium of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, VIP Lounge of Beijing Daxing International Airport, VIP Lounge of Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, Swiss International Olympic Museum, International Olympic Committee Building, etc. He has held dozens of personal exhibitions at home and abroad, and many TV stations have produced feature films for him. He has published more than 30 personal painting collections. He has served as an art expert judge for many times and an expert in painting and calligraphy at Painting and Calligraphy of China, a programme produced by BTV.
    Cui Jingzhe’s work Youth Series won the Bronze Award of the 1st National Modern Hue Art Exhibition. White Birch Forest won the Bronze Award of the 3rd National Hue Art Landscape Painting Exhibition. Ning won the Excellence Award of the 7th National Hue Art Exhibition. In 2018, he won the Gold Medal of Knight of Culture and Art of Global Public Welfare Alliance in Paris, and won the Supreme Judge Award of Cannes International Art Exhibition in October of the same year. In 2019, the China Red Exhibition by Cui Jingzhe was held at Swiss International Olympic Museum, and China Red won the Gold Medal of European Art Salon (Grand Palais in Paris, France). In 2022, the China Red Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting by Cui Jingzhe was held at the National Art Museum of China, and he won the “Pierre de Coubertin Medal” issued by the International Olympic Committee in the same year.
    Cui Jingzhe has published more than 30 traditional Chinese realistic painting teaching series, such as Techniques of Traditional Chinese Realistic Painting, Chinese Red Series Traditional Chinese Realistic Paintings and Copying Model of Ladies Painting with Fine Brushwork.
    Cui Jingzhe’s work Group Painting of Lighting Ceremony of the Olympic Flame is hung in Swiss International Olympic Museum, Long History in Hong Kong Hall of Great Hall of the People, Harmony and Life in VIP Lounge of Beijing Daxing International Airport, Taihang Golden Autumn in Beijing Conference Center, and The Country is the People and the People are the Country in Diaoyutai Celebration Hall in Beijing.

    《莲颂》 中国画    240cm×60cm×3   2021年  杨大名作品
    Ode to the Lotus    240cm×60cm×3    Chinese painting, 2021, By Yang Daming
           澳门画院院长, 中国艺术研究院文学艺术院特聘研究员, 澳门科技大学人文艺术学院客座教授、博士生导师。
           1949年出生, 广东省三水市人。青年时代曾先后跟随广州美术学院教授黎葛民、美术教育家黎雄才、广东画院著名画家李国华和梁占峰等岭南画派名家, 以及张大千入室弟子刘侃生等前辈学习绘画, 跟随广东省书法家协会主席、书法家秦咢生学习书法, 潜心研究临摹历代名作, 有着深厚的中国传统书画功底。作品曾入选第六、八、十一、十二届全国美展。
          2013年, 荣获法国国家美术协会颁发的卢浮宫国际美术铜奖;2014年, 荣获法国国家美术协会颁发的卢浮宫国际美术金奖;2015年, 荣获法国国家美术协会颁发的卢浮宫国际美术评审团奖;2016年, 荣获法国国家美术协会颁发的卢浮宫国际美术评审团特别大奖;2019年, 荣获澳门艺术博物馆、中国美术馆主办的“融·2019 澳门艺术家作品特展”优异奖, 法国美术家协会主办的157届巴黎国际艺术沙龙展颁发的国际美术金奖。葡萄牙现任总统马塞洛·雷贝洛·德索萨对杨大名的作品给予高度评价。

    Yang Daming
    Director of the A.M. Painting Macao, Distinguished Researcher of the Institute of Literature and Art of the Chinese National Academy of Arts, Visiting Professor of the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the Macao University of Science and Technology, and Doctoral Supervisor.
    Born in 1949, he is a native of Sanshui City, Guangdong Province. In his youth, he learnt painting from Professor Li Gemin of the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Art Educator Li Xiongcai, famous painter Li Guohua of Guangdong Painting Academy and Liang Zhanfeng and other famous Lingnan painters, as well as Zhang Daqian’s disciple, Liu Kansheng, and other senior artists. He also learnt calligraphy from the Chairman of the Calligraphers’ Association of Guangdong Province, calligrapher Qin Esheng, and devoted himself to researching and copying the masterpieces of the past dynasties, which gives him a deep knowledge of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. His works have been selected for the 6th, 8th, 11th and 12th National Art Exhibitions.
    In 2013, he was awarded the Bronze Medal of the Louvre International Fine Arts by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts; In 2014, he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Louvre International Fine Arts by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts; In 2015, he was awarded the Prize of the Louvre International Fine Arts Jury by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts; In 2016, he was awarded the Grand Prix du Jury of the Louvre International Fine Arts Jury by the Société Nationale des Beaux-Arts; In 2019, he was awarded the Prize of Merit in the “Rong-2019 Macao Artists Special Exhibition” organized by the Museu de Arte de Macau and the National Art Museum of China, and the Gold Medal of the International Fine Arts Award in the 157th Salon International des Beaux-Arts in Paris, organized by the     L’association française des Artistes. The current President of Portugal, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, highly praised Yang Daming’s works.

    《窑洞》    油画    140cm×70cm     2020年  王一亚雄作品
    cave Dwelling, oil painting, 140cm×70cm, 2020, By Wang Yiyaxiong
           著名油画家, 国家民族画院专业画家。曾荣获第三届全国少数民族美术作品展优秀奖、第二届东北亚国际书画摄影展银奖、青岛油画大展优秀奖(最高奖)。
           生于1989年, 2015毕业于西安美术学院, 油画专业研究生, 国家民族画院专业画家。
           2009年获第二届东北亚国际书画摄影展银奖。2012获西安美术学院毕业展三等奖。2013年向时任联合国秘书长潘基文赠送其创作的《潘基文肖像》。2014年获《凝聚》青岛油画大展优秀奖(最高奖), 参加陕西省庆祝新中国成立65周年美术作品展览, 作品《潮汐》参加青岛油画学会中青年油画家作品展, 参加第三届全国少数民族美术作品展并获优秀奖, 在《中国新闻》发表《绘画中艺术中的边缘》, 参加由中国文联、原文化部、中国美协等单位主办的“彩绘之路中国当代著名美术家丝绸之路万里行”活动, 油画作品《凯旋门前的国旗》和《女孩》收录由中央文献出版社出版《彩绘之路——中国当代著名美术家丝绸之路万里行大型文化交流活动纪实》。2015年向第67届联合国大会主席、国际健康与环境组织主席武克·耶雷米奇赠送其创作的油画作品《武克·耶雷米奇肖像》。2016 年参加联合国文明联盟、中国少数民族对外交流协会、民族文化宫、国家民族画院联合主办的“可持续发展 文明与爱”绘画艺术展。2017年向时任蒙古国大呼拉尔主席赠送其创作的《米·恩赫包勒德肖像》, 向时任马来西亚总理马哈迪尔赠送其创作的《马哈迪尔肖像》。2018年参加粤港澳大湾区全国书画名家邀请展, 以及OnlineJuriedShows 国际在线艺术展。2021年参加“艺无界·心相通”庆祝上海合作组织成立20周年油画、雕塑、陶艺国际作品展。向著名老艺术家田华赠送其创作的油画肖像作品《田华肖像》。2022 年参加由中国文化人物杂志社、人民艺术创作院等单位在北京联合主办的“人民艺术之光”2022中国当代艺术名家作品展。

    Wang Yiyaxiong
    He is a renowned oil painter and a professional artist at the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings. He has been honored with the Excellence Award at the 3rd National Minority Fine Arts Exhibition, the Silver Award at the 2nd Northeast Asia International Calligraphy and Painting Photography Exhibition, and the Excellence Award (the highest honor) at the Qingdao Oil Painting Exhibition.
    Born in 1989, he graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 2015. He is a postgraduate majoring in oil painting and a professional painter at the National Ethnic Painting Academy.
    In 2009, he won the Silver Award at the 2nd Northeast Asia International Calligraphy and Painting Photography Exhibition. He won the third prize at the Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts Graduation Exhibition in 2012. In 2013, he presented the Portrait of Ban Ki-moon to Ban Ki-moon, the then Secretary-General of the United Nations. In 2014, he won the Excellence Award (the highest award) at the Cohesion Qingdao Oil Painting Exhibition. He participated in the Shaanxi Exhibition of Fine Arts to Celebrate the 65th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. His work Tide was exhibited by young and middle-aged oil painters of Qingdao Oil Painting Society. He also participated in the 3rd National Ethnic Minority Fine Arts Exhibition and won the Excellence Award. He published The Margin of Art in Painting in China News and participated in the “Colorful Painting Road, Silk Road Tour for Famous Contemporary Chinese Artists” sponsored by China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, former Ministry of Culture, China Artists Association, and other units. His oil paintings The National Flag in Front of the Triumphal Arch and Girl were included in The Colorful Painting Road: Records of Large-scale Cultural Exchange Activities along the Silk Road by Famous Contemporary Artists in China published by Central Literature Publishing House. In 2015, he presented the oil painting Portrait of Vuk Jeremić to Vuk Jeremić, President of the 67th United Nations General Assembly and Chairman of the International Health and Environment Organization. In 2016, he participated in the “Sustainable Development, Civilization and Love” Painting Art Exhibition co-sponsored by the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, China Association for Foreign Exchanges with Minorities, National Cultural Palace, and National Academy of Ethnic Painting. In 2017, he presented the Portrait of Miyeegombo Enkhbold to the then President of Mongolia’s National Assembly and Portrait of Mahathir to the then Prime Minister of Malaysia. In 2018, he participated in the National Calligraphy and Painting Invitational Exhibition of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the Online Juried Shows International Art Exhibition. In 2021, he participated in the “Art without Borders, Hearts Connected” International Exhibition of Oil Paintings, Sculptures, and Ceramics to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). He presented the oil painting Portrait of Tian Hua to the renowned old artist Tian Hua. In 2022, he participated in the “Light of People’s Art” 2022 China Contemporary Art Exhibition co-hosted by Chinese Cultural Figures Magazine and the People’s Art Creation Academy in Beijing.

    《丝路青年》    油画    180cm×100cm  贺羽作品
    Silk Road Youth    Oil Painting    180 cm × 100 cm, By He Yu

           中央美术学院教授、博士生导师, 新疆艺术学院美术学院院长、中国美术家协会会员。
           1971年生于湖南株洲市。1994年毕业于中央美术学院油画系一画室, 获学士学位。1996年毕业于中央美术学院油画系, 获硕士学位, 导师为靳尚谊。1996年至2007年任教于中央美术学院附中。2003年考取中央美术学院首届美术学油画方向博士研究生, 导师为靳尚谊。2007年毕业获博士学位。2006年至今任教于中央美院造型基础部。
           1999年油画作品入选第九届全国美展。2001年油画作品入选中国油画大展。2002年油画作品入选纪念《延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表六十周年全国美展。2003年油画作品入选第三届全国油画展。2004年油画作品入选第十届全国美展。2006年中央美院首届造型专业博士研究生毕业展。2014年为国庆绘制天安门广场巨幅孙中山领袖像。2015年于深圳关山月美术馆举办个展“静水深源——贺羽油画作品展”, 参加纪念抗战胜利70周年“接力”中央美院教师写生创作展, 在莫斯科参加“相遇与畅想:丝绸之路国际青年艺术展”。2016年再次为国庆绘制天安门广场巨幅孙中山领袖像。2020年在北京举办个展“境由心生——贺羽风景写生作品展”。2022年在深圳国际会展中心举办“贺羽师生风景油画”。2023年在中国美术馆参加“中国油画名家笔下的延安油画邀请展”。

    He Yu
    Professor and Doctoral Supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Dean of Academy of Fine Arts of Xinjiang Arts University, Member of China Artists Association.
    Born in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province in 1971, He Yu graduated from the First Studio of Oil Painting Department of Central Academy of Fine Arts with a bachelor’s degree in 1994. He Yu graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1996 with a master’s degree. He Yu’s tutor was Jin Shangyi. From 1996 to 2007, He Yu taught in the Fine Arts School Affiliated to China Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2003, He Yu was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts as a Ph.D. student in oil painting, and the tutor was Jin Shangyi. He Yu graduated with a doctorate in 2007. Since 2006, He Yu has taught in the Modeling Foundation Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts.
    In 1999, oil paintings were selected for the 9th National Art Exhibition. In 2001, He Yu’s oil paintings were selected into the Chinese Oil Painting Exhibition. In 2002, He Yu’s oil paintings were selected into the National Art Exhibition to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the speech at Yan’an Forum on Literature and Art. In 2003, He Yu’s oil paintings were selected into the Third National Oil Painting Exhibition. In 2004, He Yu’s oil paintings were selected for the 10th National Art Exhibition. In 2006, He Yu’s paintings were in the first graduation exhibition of doctoral students majoring in modeling in Central Academy of Fine Arts. In 2014, a huge portrait of Sun Yat-sen in Tiananmen Square was drawn for National Day. In 2015, He Yu held a solo exhibition “Deep Source of Still Water-He Yu’s Oil Painting Exhibition” at Shenzhen Guan Shanyue Art Museum, participated in the “Relay” Teachers’ Sketch Creation Exhibition of Central Academy of Fine Arts to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and participated in “Meeting and Imagination: Silk Road International Youth Art Exhibition” in Moscow. In 2016, a huge portrait of Sun Yat-sen in Tiananmen Square was drawn by He Yu again for National Day. In 2020, a solo exhibition was held in Beijing, “Environment is Created from Heart - He Yu’s Landscape Sketch Exhibition”. In 2022, “He Yu’s Landscape Oil Painting for Teachers and Students” was held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. In 2023, He Yu participated in the Yan’an Oil Painting Invitational Exhibition written by famous Chinese oil painters at the National Art Museum of China.

    《和平与开放》  雕塑    230cm×150cm×55cm  郭选昌作品
    Peace and Opening up  Sculpture   230 cm × 150 cm × 55 cm, By Guo Xuanchang

           重庆大学艺术学院原院长、教授, 重庆大学美术博物馆副馆长, 郭选昌雕塑艺术馆馆长, 全国归国华侨先进个人, 著名雕塑家。
          1953年出生于中国重庆市, 1978年就读中国四川美术学院雕塑系, 1982年毕业后留校执教, 任教研室主任, 1991年德国卡塞尔大学研修肖像雕塑, 1992年升任中国四川美术学院副教授, 1993年作为国际杰出艺术家移居美国, 1995年受聘为中国四川美术学院名誉教授, 1997年任美国国际中国美术家协会副主席, 受聘国立四川美院美术设计研究院名誉院长。2003年至2007年担任重庆大学人文艺术学院院长。
           2005年主持设计传统民俗风貌区《洪崖洞》和主体雕塑《记忆山城》。2006年《记忆山城》雕塑获全国优秀城市雕塑建设项目年度大奖, 《大隧道惨案》青铜群雕获优秀奖。2007年建立“郭选昌雕塑馆”, 《风雨同舟 共商国是——中国民主党派历史纪念群雕》青铜壁雕、《云游四海——记佛教传人星云大师》青铜圆雕入选第十一届全国美展。2008年受重庆市统战部委托设计创作《重庆特园中国民主党派历史纪念碑景观浮雕》。2009年《巴山革命纪念碑》《创造》《和平·希望》等入选全国美展。2011年国务院侨务办公室授予他“全国归国华侨先进个人”。曾受邀为福特、克林顿、乔治·布什等多位美国总统雕塑肖像。被纽约《曼哈顿艺术》评为“富有国际声誉的艺术家”。曾获美国“总统雕塑奖”、英国“剑桥20世纪杰出人物成就奖”等。作品被中国美术馆、中国军事博物馆等收藏。

    Guo Xuanchang
    Former Dean and Professor of the School of Arts Chongqing University, Deputy Director of Art Museum of Chongqing University, Director of Guo Xuanchang Sculpture Art Museum, Advanced Individual of Returned Overseas Chinese and Famous Sculptor.
    Born in Chongqing City, China in 1953, he studied in the Sculpture Department of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China in 1978. After graduating in 1982, he stayed as the Director of the Teaching and Research Office. In 1991, he studied portrait sculpture at the University of Kassel, Germany. In 1992, he was promoted to Associate Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China. In 1993, he moved to the United States as an international outstanding artist. In 1995, he was employed as Honorary Professor of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China. In 1997, he served as Vice Chairman of the World Association of Chinese Artists, USA and was employed as the Honorary President of Art Design and Research Institute of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. From 2003 to 2007, he served as Dean of the School of Humanities and Arts of Chongqing University.
    In 2005, he presided over the design of Hongya Cave, a traditional folk custom area, and the main sculpture Memory Mountain City. In 2006, the sculpture Memory Mountain City won the annual award of the National Excellent Urban Sculpture Construction Project, and the bronze group sculpture Great Tunnel Massacre won the Excellence Award. In 2007, “Guo Xuanchang Sculpture Museum” was established, and the bronze wall sculpture Stand Together Regardless of Situation and Discuss Government Affairs - Historical Memorial Group Sculpture of Chinese Democratic Parties and the bronze round sculpture Travel Around the World-A Record of Buddhist Descendants Nebula Master were selected for the 11th National Exhibition of Fine Arts. In 2008, he was commissioned by the United Front Work Department of Chongqing to design and create the Landscape Relief of the Historical Monument of Chinese Democratic Parties in Chongqing Special Garden. In 2009, Bashan Revolutionary Monument, Creation and Peace and Hope were selected into the National Exhibition of Fine Arts. In 2011, the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council awarded him “Advanced Individual of Returned Overseas Chinese in China”. He has been invited to sculpture portraits of several American presidents such as Ford, Clinton and George Herbert Walker Bush. He was rated as “an artist with international reputation” by Manhattan Art in New York. He has won the “Presidential Sculpture Award” in the United States and the “Cambridge Outstanding Achievement Award in the 20th Century” in Britain. His works have been collected by the National Art Museum of China and the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution.

    《吻》     雕塑    149cm×134cm×253cm    2010年  许鸿飞作品
    Kiss Sculpture 149cm×134cm×253cm, 2010, By Xu Hongfei

           第十三届、十四届全国政协委员, 中国美术家协会理事, 广东省美术家协会副主席,广州雕塑院院长, 广东省文史馆馆员。
           1963年生于广东省阳江市。1990年毕业于广州美术学院雕塑系, 1990年任广州雕塑院专业雕塑家, 2011年至2023年任广州雕塑院院长, 雕塑家, 国家一级美术师。2013年获广东省五一劳动奖章;2014年被授予“文化部优秀专家”称号;2015年荣获“第二届广东省中青年德艺双馨艺术家”称号;2016年入选“广东特支计划”宣传思想文化领军人才;2018年被希腊授予“萨洛尼卡政府文化交流使者”荣誉称号;2019年被评为“广州市优秀专家(A证)”;2020年被巴黎学院聘为特聘教授, 被智利颁发中国-智利建交50周年友谊纪念章;2021年, 西班牙授予中西友好荣誉证书。作品数次入选国家级和广东省美术展览。作品在意大利、法国、英国、希腊、澳大利亚、新加坡、土耳其、美国、德国、奥地利、秘鲁、西班牙、俄罗斯、哥伦比亚、日本、智利、古巴、泰国和国内多个城市成功举办54场个人雕塑展。

    Xu Hongfei
    Member of the 13th and 14th National Committees of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, Director of the China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of Guangdong Artists Association, President of Guangzhou Sculpture Institute,and staff of the Institute for Culture and History of Guangdong Province.
    Born in Yangjiang, Guangdong Province in 1963, he graduated from the Sculpture Department of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1990, served as a professional sculptor of Guangzhou Academy of Sculpture in 1990, and served as President, Sculptor, and National Level-1 Artist of Guangzhou Academy of Sculpture from 2011 to 2023. He won the May Day Labor Medal of Guangdong Province in 2013; was awarded the title of “Excellent Experts of the Ministry of Culture” in 2014; won the title of the “Second Young and Middle-aged Artists with Good Virtue and Art of Guangdong Province” in 2015; was selected as a leading talent of promotion of ideology and culture in the “Guangdong Special Support Program” in 2016; was awarded the honorary title of “Cultural Exchange Envoy of Salonika Government” by Greece in 2018; was rated as “Guangzhou Excellent Experts (Certificate A)” in 2019; was hired as a distinguished professor by the Paris College and awarded the Friendship Medal for the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between China and Chile by Chile in 2020; and was awarded the Certificate of Honor for Friendship between China and Western Countries by Spain in 2021. His works have been selected by national exhibitions and those of Guangdong province for several times. 54 individual sculpture exhibitions were successfully held in Italy, France, Britain, Greece, Australia, Singapore, Turkey, the United States, Germany, Austria, Peru, Spain, Russia, Colombia, Japan, Chile, Cuba, Thailand, and many cities in China.
    His works are collected by more than 50 organizations such as the National Museum of China, the Guangzhou Branch of China National Archives of Publications and Culture, the Military Museum of the Chinese People’s Revolution, the National Art Museum of China, the Italia Hall at World Expo Milano 2015, Morey beside Loing River in France, the Hamburg City Government in Germany, Sydney Town Hall in Australia, and the Art Museum of Repin Academy of Fine Arts in Russia. 
    He has published more than 50 works, including Xu Hongfei-In the Name of Sculpture, Fat Sculpture, Sculpture·Liannan-Xu Hongfei, Fat Dream under the Paper Mulberry Tree, Xu Hongfei’s Sculpture·Record, Beautiful Culture-Xu Hongfei’s Sculpture Collection, Random Thoughts on Jade, and Civilian Epic-Xu Hongfei’s Sculpture Exhibition at National Art Museum of China.

           中国文化人物(记者 苏晴)为庆祝共建“一带一路”倡议提出十周年,由博鳌亚洲论坛、中国美术馆、中国文化人物杂志社主办,中国文化人物杂志社国际部承办的博鳌亚洲论坛2023“共绘丝路文明”文化人物艺术展于11月26至12月6日在中国美术馆举行。
    By Su Qing BEIJING, China, Nov. 26 (Chinese Cultural Figures) -- To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), the 2023 Boao Forum for Asia “Co-building the Silk Road Civilization” Cultural Figures Art Exhibition, sponsored by the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) and Chinese Cultural Figures Magazine and organized by the International Department of the Magazine, was held at the NAMOC, lasting from November 26 to December 6.
    Civilizations become colorful and richer thanks to exchanges and mutual learning. The ancient Silk Road opened a pathway for cross-cultural exchanges between the East and the West, while the Belt and Road Initiative has further enriched the dissemination and integration of different civilizations and cultures. It has facilitated extensive exchanges and cooperation between China and other countries in various aspects. 2023 marks the 10th anniversary of the BRI. Over the past decade, the BRI has established a platform for profound exchanges and mutual learning among nations, surpassing barriers of civilizations, conflicts, and superiority. It has promoted mutual learning among civilizations, strengthened people-to-people bond, shaped a diverse and interactive pattern of cultural exchanges among countries, and gathered the forces of civilizations for the development and progress of humanity. The BRI is currently at its peak, and we must forge ahead into the next fruitful decade.
    To thoroughly implement the guiding principles of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s keynote speech at the Third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, promote the “Eight Actions” through people-to-people exchanges, and establish a strong people-to-people bond foundation for the high-quality co-construction of the Belt and Road, this Exhibition invited renowned Chinese artists Jin Shangyi, honorary president of the China Artists Association (CAA); Wu Weishan, deputy secretary-general of the CPPCC National Committee, vice president of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, and director of the NAMOC; Feng Yuan, former vice president of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles; Sun Xiaoyun, president of the China Calligraphers Association (CCA); Su Shishu, honorary president of the CCA; Fan Di’an, president of the CAA; as well as dozens of contemporary Chinese art masters from various provinces, cities, and regions including Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan, China, to co-build the Silk Road civilization.
    People-to-people bond is an important aspect of the BRI and serves as a social foundation for promoting its co-construction. Wang Baosheng, the exhibition curator, expressed delight in witnessing over 60 artists from various fields of art firmly grasp the “baton” entrusted by the times under the theme of celebrating the 10th anniversary of the BRI. They uphold the concept of harmony amidst diversity, exchange, and mutual learning. These artists tell stories about the Silk Road, showcase construction achievements, focus on cultural history and depict development prospects, express patriotic feelings, highlight cultural confidence, construct aesthetic images, and interpret the spirit of the Silk Road… They have created a significant number of exquisite works of art with profound thoughts, remarkable artistic skills, and exceptional production quality. These artworks vividly portray the great practice of co-building the BRI, progressing from conceptualization to action and from vision to reality.
    More than 60 groups (pieces) of works in various artistic fields such as calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, oil painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, and melting copper were displayed at the Exhibition. With rich content and elegant style, these artworks adhere to the unity of ideology, timeliness, art, and ornamentality. They will certainly promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning among countries along the Belt and Road, enhance people-to-people bond, and contribute to the steady and long-term development of the BRI. They will also assist in deepening and solidifying the “Eight Actions” and inspire people to forge ahead and strive for the next golden decade.
    (Editors in charge: Zhang Yan, Liu Sheng)

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